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inferno 06-26-2006 06:21 AM

looks like it should pick up this afternoon, i might try to hit up PAG around 4,
whos in????

Unimog Bob 06-26-2006 08:14 AM

I might try to cut out of work early if it is blowin. Where do you park alon Pass a grile?

inferno 06-26-2006 09:04 AM

between 21st and 22nd Ave on Gulf Way,
it the northern part of the parking lot

but i have to wait and see how work goes

toby wilson 06-26-2006 10:35 AM

Amber has all my machines in my car. She woke up and her battery was dead so I am just gonna have to drive up to northern St. Pete today if I wanna ride. Backside will most likely be my destination though...

inferno 06-26-2006 10:44 AM

i may join you toby, ive never ridden BS, i just keep hearing bad stories about it, but id rather ride with my homies then solo, let me know when you head out....

C. Moore 06-26-2006 10:53 AM

DP Danny will fit right in at the Backside. :D

bryanleighty 06-26-2006 11:16 AM

I've been liking BS more and more each time I go there..

so many new friends!!!


seriously tho, there are many reasons why BS is a horrible place to ride, but more reasons why its a great place. a couple of my best sessions have been there out in the channel and a couple weeks ago when Alberto came through. Amazing sessions.

if it picks up, ill be there about 2:30 or earlier.

Unimog Bob 06-26-2006 01:25 PM

I've been thinking about joining my buddies on the down low at the back side, but WSW is dead on shore. I think I'm ready skill wise, but I don't want my first time BS to be too big of a challenge. I wouldn't want my coming there newbie status and all to leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth. :shock: Aaah never mind all this double entendre stuff is creeping me out… I’ll just wait for the next decent EB day. That way I can keep up my straight linear progression.


E-Bone 06-26-2006 06:03 PM

WTF happened? I had a few thingz to do today, so I missed the session. Should I be kicking myself?

inferno 06-26-2006 06:53 PM

...with a steel toed boot :D

bryanleighty 06-26-2006 07:06 PM

it hit!

pretty much dead on shore.. slight side-on.

got some great riding in today.. got there and rigged by 3pm.. rode for about an hour or so it seemed by myself.. then the floodgates opened and toby, jayson, billy, gary, danny, victoria and some others that i know were there but i am very very very bad w/ names. most rode 16+.. danny tearing it up on the 21 nem. i am still absolutely amazed at the range of this freaking 12m waroo.. i would not say i was litt by any means but after a couple power strokes to build boardspeed I was off to the races.. seriously, the range is incredible.

billy tore it up as always.

some guys showed up late and tried to launch a 15m old cab kite. many of us just stood there watching.. waiting for the kite to land in the trees.. there was not enough wind to really be too worried but i think after the second mis-launch someone finally had to step in. Billy did the honors and instead of giving them a hard time (which is what i would have done), he put down his kite and gave them about a half hour or more of free lessons on how to properly rig and launch and fly their kite. class act all the way.

and Toby was rockin his new 17.5.. flying upwind.
seriously man, i think that 25.5 youve been putting is just too damn big and has been pulling you down wind. the wind today is about the same as its been for quite some time that you've been learning.. the kite you were flying today was just right for your size. thats just my 2 cents.

im tired and i forgot to wear sunscreen. ugh.


BigR 06-26-2006 07:34 PM

yeah , U will find anything much over 20M will just pull you downwind unless you ride it very efficiently, i.e. extend your arms so that you are balanced at almost being depowered. that's the secret to upwind on huge kites.

Bryan , I have a sneaky suspiscion that your 12m waroo is closer in size to a 14m kite. you should try laying them on top of each other and see.

Yeah it rocked at BS today , hopefully tomm. we get more of the same

bryanleighty 06-26-2006 07:49 PM

it looks exactly like my 15m kite when you are looking up from a riding position.. the bow design just gets rid of the extraneous wingtips.. the projected area is def. like a 14 or 15m.

thing is its feather light and faster than i can explain. moves like a 9m or smaller C.

i have not ridden a 14 or 16 waroo, but would love to check them out..

then again i really want to check out a 15 ION. next time i see someone sportin' one, im going to beg for a session.

E-Bone 06-26-2006 09:04 PM

I don't know about a whole session, but you can take my Ion for a spin.

Thanks for the 411. Sorry I missed the crew today but I had some stuff to get done today that could not wait. Maybe next time.

toby wilson 06-26-2006 11:34 PM

Bryan, I completely agree with you and have considered selling the 25.5 and picking up a 15 Ion so I could fly bows when I want and C's when I want to because I think they both have their advantages but am not sure that the price I could get would make it worth selling the machine... Plus, there ARE those days where the 25.5 is the only thing that will fly although they are very few and far between...

That being said, today was the first day I flew the 17.5 M Machine and it is by FAR my favorite kite that I have flown yet. I haven't flown a bow yet so hopefully I can soon to see if it would be worth buying one...kind of cautious because I don't want to get confused when riding one and the other...I guess I'll find out soon!!! :D

As for helping the guy out who was trying to launch the Cabrinha, yeah you can look at it that way that newbies have no business at the backside. But today Billy made a great point. He said he would rather help someone who has obviously decided that they are going to launch their kite rather than sit back, warn them about their kite getting torn and either being able to say "I hate to say I told you so, now go see Keith at Advanced Sails to fix your kite..." or having to make the 911 cell phone call. I'm with Bill. This sport is so cool because it isn't so cutthroat like other watersports are...I hope we can keep it that way and be cool to our newbies...they will be your bros real soon!

I started watching and I am kinda unhappy with myself for that. The good thing is that EVERYONE at the sesh helped Bill out eventually and helped out a future friend...

C. Moore 06-27-2006 02:25 AM

I was in a really bad mood when I saw the wind blowing and I couldn't make it out. Grrrrrr :evil:

Looks like I missed another great session.

Toby, feel free t try out my ION next time you see me.


toby wilson 06-27-2006 08:50 AM

Thanks Chris, I'm all about it!!! 8)

inferno 06-27-2006 08:56 AM

hey chris, better get a move on it, i was hitting my unhooked back rolls yesterday, i would have tried the F-16 but i was on a 21m :shock:
im also going to start trying handlepasses, it would be a lot easier if i had a flat kite :?

C. Moore 06-27-2006 08:59 AM

Crap!!!. Anyone know of a good divorce lawyer. LOL

Danny I can help you with your flat Kite. I have some sissors that will do the trick.

JoshTaylor 06-27-2006 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by inferno
hey chris, better get a move on it, i was hitting my unhooked back rolls yesterday, i would have tried the F-16 but i was on a 21m :shock:
im also going to start trying handlepasses, it would be a lot easier if i had a flat kite :?

it's alot harder then you think.

I finally landed my first handle pass during alberto

hoped to blind and passed it. no biggie, but progress.

Flat kites are actually harder to do technical tricks on, because you get more of a constant pull.

the only good thing is attatching your leash to the CL, and you won't have to walk in because your lines are all F'ed up

let go of the bar and the kite just depowers and slowly falls to the edge of the window
grab the bar and relaunch it at the edge of the window.

thats a good advantage, the 5th line the kite falls straight into the power zone.

inferno 06-27-2006 11:37 AM

thats why i want a flat kite so i can just hook the leash to the chicken loop, but for now ill be hooking it into the fifth line, that will atleast allow me to relaunch the kite if i let go of the bar.

josh have you hit a handle pass in the air yet?

also on an F-16, when do you release the lead hand and grab the back of the bar (to loop the kite), do you do it before you leave the water, or after your in the air?

and is it better (easier/safer) to start (the loop) with the kite lower around 10 or higher around 11?

thanx for all the help

JoshTaylor 06-27-2006 12:41 PM

haven't landed a handle pass in the air yet, tryed one... didn't go to well.. i'll upload the pic of that in a minute lol

the way i do an f-16 is...

unhook, put both hands on one side of the bar, and when the kite starts to face the opposite direction and before it whips around you pop and throw a laid out backroll.

it's all timing though, thats why you should try a normal kiteloop first, get the timing down on when to pop.

go out and try a normal kiteloop.
both hands on one side of the bar
go a little downwind, edge hard and pop when the kite starts to loop

lay out as flat as you can, don't panic, you have to commit 110%

spot your landing, bend your knees, and prepare for a hard landing.

it's easier to start the kite higher, the more lower the kite the more whip your gana get.

pic of me eating it when trying a handle pass

inferno 06-27-2006 01:01 PM

next time i get to ride something other then my 21m and im gonna give it a try.
i think its easier to kiteloop unhooked then hooked, cause when unhooked you have to go %110 when both hands are on the same side of the bar

so i start with the kite at 11 and put both hands on the same side, edge hard and when i feel the kite start to pull, release the edge and go for for it, right???

i tried riding blind yesterday a few times...didnt work out to well :lol:

im getting stoked with all the new moves, my fav is the railey right now, it just feels really cool

JoshTaylor 06-27-2006 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by inferno
next time i get to ride something other then my 21m and im gonna give it a try.
i think its easier to kiteloop unhooked then hooked, cause when unhooked you have to go %110 when both hands are on the same side of the bar

so i start with the kite at 11 and put both hands on the same side, edge hard and when i feel the kite start to pull, release the edge and go for for it, right???

i tried riding blind yesterday a few times...didnt work out to well :lol:

im getting stoked with all the new moves, my fav is the railey right now, it just feels really cool

yeah pretty much. DON'T loop it before you jump, make sure your in the air before it loops.

if you think the railey feels cool wait till you start landing kiteloops!

Optionryder420 07-03-2006 09:12 AM

If you loop it before you jump, you end up eating shit HARD... I learned that the hard way once... only took once.

I'm only doing kiteloop raleys... no backroll yet... I want to land a blind judge and a few other raley tricks before I try the F16... also want to try a mobe (backroll fs 360? w/ handlepass) I've got it down on a bar in my frontyard... the bar I put in a tree about 9' up... it was hard for a while because I've gotta completely pull myself up because the bar is too high.

And josh, the mobe IS a lot easier then the boardpass/handlepass whatever it's called as far as pulling it off on a hanging bar.

And about looping the kite too low, you've really gotta loop it at 11 when learning. I've been starting to loop it a LOT lower and it's a ton harder of a pull and I get MUCH higher. If you start it at 11 or so, it'll be a lot more "user friendly."

I wouldn't know which is easier between the hooked or unhooked kiteloops though... never done a hooked in one :?

Josh, Sbend to blind yet? or what tricks to blind are you landing solid?

bryanleighty 07-03-2006 10:01 AM

good article in the new kiteworld mag .. Dimitri goes over kiteloops in full on detail..

photos of him in the article are beyond amazing..

i'm putting this off as a "late next season" thing....

JoshTaylor 07-03-2006 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420
If you loop it before you jump, you end up eating shit HARD... I learned that the hard way once... only took once.

I'm only doing kiteloop raleys... no backroll yet... I want to land a blind judge and a few other raley tricks before I try the F16... also want to try a mobe (backroll fs 360? w/ handlepass) I've got it down on a bar in my frontyard... the bar I put in a tree about 9' up... it was hard for a while because I've gotta completely pull myself up because the bar is too high.

And josh, the mobe IS a lot easier then the boardpass/handlepass whatever it's called as far as pulling it off on a hanging bar.

And about looping the kite too low, you've really gotta loop it at 11 when learning. I've been starting to loop it a LOT lower and it's a ton harder of a pull and I get MUCH higher. If you start it at 11 or so, it'll be a lot more "user friendly."

I wouldn't know which is easier between the hooked or unhooked kiteloops though... never done a hooked in one :?

Josh, Sbend to blind yet? or what tricks to blind are you landing solid?

for me the boardpaass/handlepass is alot easier on a hanging bar then a mobe....

yet i tryed a front mobe on the water, and should be able to land it next time i'm out... i got the pass down and everything, could have landed it but board fell off.

as of right now i have no tricks to blind, haven't tryed any yet... but soon will have a handfull to blind garentee.

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