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toby wilson 06-07-2006 09:48 AM

More kool helmets!!!
Not only does Shred Ready ( ) have killer helmets, check these out!!!

In the wake of the recent kiting accident/death in Nevada, I'd love to see all of my bros and sistas wearing helmets out on the water...these look cool so who cares anyway? I know it is a personal decision for every individual but I hope you consider making a small investment (we all spend THOUSANDS on gear but some don't have the cash to spend $120 on a helmet :? :shock: :? ) to invest in the protection of your melon and pick one up. It would really be cool to see EVERYONE on the water wearing one someday...

Happy kiting!!! :D

E-Bone 06-07-2006 11:34 AM

Fuk dat. I don't want to get lines caught on my helmet and snap my neck.

toby wilson 06-07-2006 11:37 AM

How tha hell you gonna get lines caught in your helmet!?!?!? :lol:

inferno 06-07-2006 11:53 AM

if anyone can do it, EBone can :lol: :lol:

E-Bone 06-07-2006 01:51 PM

Do a big jump with a rotation, land backwards with the kite falling out of the sky. I had the lines fall right over my shoulders, all around my neck, while I tried to lose the bar before the kite repowered. To add to the excitement, I was wearing full bindings.

No more helmets for me after that, unless I am in surf, so a wave doesn't toss a board upside my head.

toby wilson 06-07-2006 02:25 PM

With that big head of yours would it matter anyway? Won't you just get the lines wrapped around your ears anyway good buddy?!?!? :P

Just kidding, I wear a helmet so my dumbo ears don't catch the lines...

Optionryder420 06-07-2006 02:32 PM

I'm with Ebone... I truthfully feel safer without a helmet.

Only time you're really going to hit something head on is if it gusts and you're on land. Or, if you're just riding too close to shore and get pulled ashore.

When I wear a helmet, I can't see, it pushes my hair over my eyes.

Landing really hard and fast the helmet has come off my head and choked me.

I used to wear the earpieces on my helmet, couldn't hear crap. When I took the off I'd always sustain the only head injury I've ever gotten from a watersport, water in the ear really hard.

I feel safer without a helmet... I try not to ride close to obstacles, and if shit hits the fan... *... just promise to play "highway to hell" at my funeral.

*At this point I had to stop because some trashy people came into my work... lady flipped out because she wrote a check for the wrong amount and she blamed me for it. :lol: It was hard trying not to laugh at her when her and her business partner started yelling in the store then the business partner ran out, then she wrote the check wrong and said I gave her the wrong price...

toby wilson 06-07-2006 02:39 PM

Kev, the helmets that I posted have a strap behind the crown of your head which does not allow them to come off. It tightens down and really sticks to your head well. I just think the chances of me getting hurt from lines vs. the chances of me getting hurt from a solid stationary object while getting worked like a tree, car, or other obstacle is VERY lopsided...

bryanleighty 06-07-2006 03:05 PM

I had never even thought about getting lines tangled on the helmet...

I admit to the mixed bag of feelings I have about helmets.. I read on some post on another forum where someone said your head was probably in more danger on your car ride to the beach than it was while kiting ... and I can see the truth in that.

I just starting rotations and have yet to really *crash* on a kite where I am not at least in partial control.. I assume once I start getting turned around is where I am going to start paying the price...

I know that Dan got his hand snagged on a depower strap when the kite dropped and suddenly found itself downwind and powered.. took him for a one-armed ride in the water before he was able to break free. Now imagine a snagged line on a helmet... damn.. never thought of that occuring.

*something to think about for certain....*

JoshTaylor 06-07-2006 06:16 PM

about the chocking/getting caught on your lines, david had his helmet get caught on something to his kite i don't remember what and it was choking him from his neck as he was being pulled thru the water.

truthfully i hate wearing it.

ricki 06-07-2006 10:33 PM

I've been wearing helmets in all weathers and in many conditions (0 to 60 mph) with lots of different gear for over six years. I wore one part time for almost two years before that. Lots of nasty wipeouts in that time too against water and a couple of notable ones on land. Still here and won't ride without one.

I interviewed some of the best riders in the world, the first time helmets were required in a competition in the USA. This was at the 2003 Velocity Games. Not one competitor from Martin Vari, to Andre Phillips to about a dozen other riders said the helmets impaired their style of riding or ability to compete. This has been repeated in subsequent competitions since.

If you do wear a lid, make sure it fits well (doesn't slip), is comfortable, has low drag without bills or projections and the best padding/shell you can find for our sport.

Some good stuff to look over on this subject appears below:

and many, many more.

Whether you wear a helmet or not is just one more choice. Do you homework, think it over and choose well.

toby wilson 06-07-2006 11:01 PM

Thanks Rick, I hope your post convinces some to wear one. Like you said though, it's a personal choice. I don't EVER want to be a witness to anything like one of those accidents so hopefully your post made a difference...

tomstock 06-08-2006 12:02 PM

Been saved by a helmet in every sport more than I've been bothered by one.

Just gently tap your forehead on the corner of a 4x4 post and then imagine doing that at 35mph.

Had my board hit me in the forehead when I was doing a kiteloop once and botched the landing. I saw stars but was fine after a minute... without a helmet I may been knocked out and drown.

There was an incident awhile back about a pro getting hit by his board in the head (and he wasn't using a leash). He died.

It's always your decision but my life is worth a little inconvenience. It's no worse than a seatbelt.


Optionryder420 06-08-2006 12:13 PM

I don't care who chooses to wear one, whether it be the best pro, or not. I feel safer without one.

I don't think anyone here has hair like mine, it's much safer to be able to see... trust me on that.

And on the matter of hair, I'll be back, I must go get a haircut.

toby wilson 06-08-2006 12:23 PM

Then it won't be in your way now, right? :lol:

Just kidding Kev, just be safe then...

tomstock 06-08-2006 02:54 PM

No hair issue here obviously ... not for the past 10 years anyway...

JoshTaylor 06-08-2006 05:11 PM

i'm all about being safe and all, but i really hate wearing a damn helmet. when i rollerblade i don't wear a helmet, anywhere... hell i don't even own a skate helmet. the skateparks don't really care because they know me. I think they look really stupid too.
i've got friends who rollerblade that make fun of me for wearing a helmet when i kiteboard.
i'm really contemplating on wearing it anymore because of that.

plus whats the point of doing this if it's safe? i like doing this because it makes my adriniline run, it's dangerous, that makes it fun. thats how i feel about it. as long as people don't do stupid things, people won't get hurt.

i know i'm probably gana get a buncha lexures and stuff because of this... i've heard it all before, it's so annoying.

Optionryder420 06-08-2006 10:37 PM

For me, it's not a thing of looking cool or not. It's just honestly, I feel safer without one. The hearing impairment with the ear pieces was bad, but then the hair in my eyes (It's still long enough to get in the way :D) is bad enough... but even without that I don't feel as safe.

Can't explain it...

I try not to ride near anything... so all is good.

toby wilson 06-08-2006 10:43 PM

Josh, they don't look stupid, they look smart. You have never been someone that I have known to care what others think. You have been an individual and a standout the whole time I have known you bud.

Let me share a story about one of my brothers childhood friends. He moved out to San Diego with another of my brothers childhood friends after College and they roomed together...their names were John and Steve to make the story simpler to understand. One night, they thought it would be fun to get on their "longboard" skateboards (the ones that feel kinda like surfboards when you ride them) and be pulled by their dog by holding onto its leash while it ran ahead. Sounds kinda harmless and even fun, right? Well, neither were wearing helmets and when John took his turn with the dog and disappeared around the corner, Steve rode up behind John and the dog who had momentarily disappeared from his view to find the dog sitting on the side of the road next to John who was all sprawled out over the sidewalk and grass. John was a big prankster growing up, a real wiseass too. But you couldn't help but like him, he was a great kid. So when Steve caught up, he naturally thought John was just screwing around so he told him to cut it out, they both had to get home because they had to work the following morning. After a couple of these remarks, Steve realized that something really was wrong. Turns out that John somehow fell and hit his head and was in a coma. The plug was pulled a week later as he was brain dead anyway and was just being kept alive by machines. Needless to say, my Brother was crushed!!! The doctors said that if he had been wearing a helmet, chances were that he would have just hit his head, gotten back up at the worst dazed a little and continued on his way home that night and to work the next day as usual. Sad story, but reality. My brother honored his name (John Taylor) by naming his dog "Taylor". Josh, I already have a dog named Georgie, I don't need another "Taylor" in the family... :wink:

I don't care if I look like Carrot Top on a bad hair day, I'm wearing a helmet and I refuse to allow Amber to learn until she has hers...she already has a Shred Ready Shaggy on order, the second piece of equipment she has bought only to her seat harness!

I am convinced that helmets will soon be a required piece of equipment to ride anywhere. Just look at high impact sports like Football, Baseball, Hockey, etc. They all started with helmets being optional, that changed over the 'evolution' of those sports...

All I'm saying is helmets are not uncool unless they are sitting in your attic in a box somewhere not being used...

PS - Kev, if your hair gets in your line of view while in your helmet, it'll get in it while you aren't wearing one just as much, maybe more because you won't have any of it pinned down by the helmet. And if you say it is safer to ride without one, I bet I could find you a BUNCH of the most qualified and established doctors, scientists, and safety experts that would beg to differ... :wink:

Optionryder420 06-08-2006 11:03 PM

Never said it was safer, I just feel safer.

When it's pinned down in my eyes, it's harder to brush aside... actually, it's impossible to brush aside. When I used to wear it, it was ALWAYS right in my eyes. When I don't wear it, it's rarely in my eyes.

JoshTaylor 06-08-2006 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420
Never said it was safer, I just feel safer.

When it's pinned down in my eyes, it's harder to brush aside... actually, it's impossible to brush aside. When I used to wear it, it was ALWAYS right in my eyes. When I don't wear it, it's rarely in my eyes.

why don't you cut that big fro' of yours off then.

it's more goofy looking then a helmet. lol

also i'm surprised seeing me go into that damn pole hasn't freaked you out enough to wear one. I didn't even get to see what happend!

after getting picked up.. i remember blackness. lol

Toby, thanks, the story has helped. normally i don't care what other people think. but when i've got good friends telling me i look "gay" in a helmet, or when i ask them to help me choose a good song for my section in the video if i have one, and he says "ask me when your not wearing a helmet.", it kinda bothers me. I know your probably gana be like oh hes probably not a good friend then or something like that.
the story and your words have pushed me more twords keepin it on.

Optionryder420 06-08-2006 11:41 PM

Meh... I've seen some pretty bad car accidents too.

You remember how I drove that lancer don't you?

EDIT:It's only a fro when it's really humid or been a long time since a haircut.

JoshTaylor 06-08-2006 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420
Meh... I've seen some pretty bad car accidents too.

You remember how I drove that lancer don't you?

EDIT:It's only a fro when it's really humid or been a long time since a haircut.

yeah, what about the lancer?

and no it's always a fro'

cut that beast off.

toby wilson 06-09-2006 12:40 AM

Good to hear Josh. In my opinion, you looked like the smartest guy over there in Texas at the Velocity Games and I know that at least Eagle agrees, he made a post boasting about it...

I'm not gonna tell you that your friends "aren't good friends". Just that they "aren't as educated as to the dangers involved in the sport of kiteboarding and the lifesaving potential that your helmet has as you are"... As soon as they mature a little, they will admit that you were the one using your brain by wearing your helmet and that they were probably just goofing on you in good fun.

You can always tell if I don't care for someone if I DON'T bust on them every once in a while...being good friends gives you that flexibility of goofing on each other without it really being a personal attack. For instance, I take a lot of flack for my "007" tattoo, I'll be the first to admit, it looks stupid!!! :lol: But I NEVER take the hazing personally because I know it is a joke and is in good fun...just be able to laugh at yourself if you think the helmet makes you look funny man, it's pretty darn amusing sometimes and beats the alternative of worrying what people think!!! :D

C. Moore 06-09-2006 10:01 AM

I thought I was the only one with a 007 tattoo.

E-Bone 06-09-2006 10:35 AM

No, your wife has one too. LOL.

Skyway Scott 06-09-2006 10:47 AM

Josh definitely looked like the smartest kiter out there. :)
It's great to have a young ripper that's also an outstanding role model (in more ways than one)

C. Moore 06-09-2006 11:31 AM

Is that the best you can come with Eric.. You really let me down with your little attempt to slam me. :P

bryanleighty 06-09-2006 01:01 PM

another kiter died this week.. hit his head on a rock.

story is in Norweigen only.... I'm sure someone will translate ..

tomstock 06-09-2006 01:55 PM

Josh, just so you know, everytime I see your pic I look to see if you are still wearing a helmet. When i see that chrome dome, I think "Good for him. Smart kid.".

Seriously, I lecture kids at the skatepark all the F'in time. I had a friend last year die from skateboarding. He was just screwing around in a parking lot doing flatland tricks. He fell, hit his head hard, went into a coma, and died a few days later.

If you really love kiteboarding, you'll want to do it for the rest of your life, not just until you smack your head on a rock (skyway), car, channel marker, sign, tree (east beach), or even just your board.

Have you considered what happens if you get hit with your 10lb board and knocked out momentarily while 300 yards off shore?

Anyway, enough preaching. You guys are free to make your own decisions, but we'd all like see our buddies still riding in 10 years, not decaying in the ground.

If the hair is in the way, then it's the hair that's the problem, not the helmet. Shave that head, it'll make your day easier anyway.

I have a friend who never wears a seatbelt. His reasoning is that he will be thrown from the car rather than pinned inside. He says he "feels" safer than when he's wearing it. I tell him he's gonna feel like an idiot when he's sitting in a wheelchair with no movement below the neck, having someone feed him applesauce while he craps himself.


Tea Bag 06-09-2006 03:09 PM

The more I think about it the more I like the silver helmet you have better than the Spiderman helmet I have.

If you think you get kidding about wearing a helmet...just put something a little goofy on and see what happens.

Josh, The helmet thing is up to you. Personally I think it adds to the professional look and you inspire older and younger riders to pay more serious attention to your accomplishments if you look like a pro.

If you really want a great second opinion about whether you look better on the water with or without a brain bucket...ask MOM!

You know she don't lie... :roll:

Keep it stirred up and keep it real.

Danny D

tomstock 06-09-2006 09:54 PM

Actually I've been thinking about giving away my black helmet for a chrome helmet. I would have done it already but I didn't want to cut into Josh's "look". :) So instead, I'm sticking with the black helmet, and I got a new pair of olive drab harness shorts..I'm going for the army green and black look. Maybe I'll sling my ak while I'm riding (kidding)

bryanleighty 06-09-2006 10:08 PM

when is Ebone coming out with his line of boardshorts?

toby wilson 06-09-2006 10:23 PM

...Or his line of helmets that have a horse hair mohawk down the middle??? :lol:

JoshTaylor 06-09-2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by tomstock
Actually I've been thinking about giving away my black helmet for a chrome helmet. I would have done it already but I didn't want to cut into Josh's "look". :) So instead, I'm sticking with the black helmet, and I got a new pair of olive drab harness shorts..I'm going for the army green and black look. Maybe I'll sling my ak while I'm riding (kidding)

yeah, i'd like to stay unique. :lol:

i like that, i stick out like a sore thumb with that sliver helmet lol

E-Bone 06-10-2006 06:27 AM

Yo, I have the boardshorts coming. Hang in there. Definitely harder to sew than a rectangular kite sack.

tomstock 06-11-2006 07:14 PM

Funny we were having this helmet discussion and whammo, a rider got a head injury and some stitches over the weekend at EB. Save yourself a $150 ambulance ride and 4 hours of time and buy a helmet.

toby wilson 06-11-2006 07:56 PM

Tom, you can't blame his not wearing a helmet for his injury!!!! I'm sure it all started when his hair got in his face and his lines got caught on his ear!!! Plus, he wouldn't have looked cool with a helmet on, right? :? :roll:

I honestly think that the only riders in the area that should even consider not wearing a helmet would be people like Billy Parker, Jayson Orkins, etc. and even then they could still benefit from wearing one...just in case.

But in all seriousness, enough with my sarcasm, I was thankfully not there so I did not have to see a bro get hurt however today's events probably couldn't have been avoided but the damages sure would have been minimized if a helmet were involved. I hope he is feeling much better, I heard he was concious and aware when the ambulance got there, good to hear. He has always had the right attitude and I really sorry to hear about his misfortune and wish him the best with a quick recovery.

tomstock 06-12-2006 08:34 AM

Yep Jim is a good guy. EB is a dangerous place when it's wet.

toby wilson 06-12-2006 07:15 PM

Jayson Orkins was riding with a helmet today. He was ripping it up as usual and great riders like him that are really good can really be a key influence and good role model for new riders if they see guys like him wearing one...good to see it Jay!!!

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