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HIGHFLYN 06-29-2007 09:36 AM

Summer Sessions (Post them Here)
Figured I'd start a new thread since we have 1 month (June) behind us and Only 3 more (the worst of the lot) to go ~yawn~

For myself and few others in my area (South Palm Beach County) June has been a GOOD month, for Summer that is :D

Session totals:

Kiting 12
Surfing 2

Full detail's

ricki 06-29-2007 09:07 PM

Got out late today for a while. The wind came up nicely to 15 to 20 kts after 4:30 pm. There were storms in most directions but a large hole stayed open over south Delray for a couple of hours. A nasty squall moved in, so I took a break for about a half hour then headed back out again. Lots of storms but also a fair freqency of large holes too. Anyone else get out?

HIGHFLYN 06-30-2007 10:51 AM

Summer sessions

Originally Posted by RickI (Post 20827)
There were storms in most directions but a large hole stayed open over south Delray for a couple of hours.

It seemed as though around 4pm that North Delray/Boynton was going to get hammered. But the storms fortunately dissipated. I was able to get in a powered session till around 6pm on my 13m

Good to hear that you got some water time too Rick

Typical June? I think not

tonykite 06-30-2007 07:33 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Great session at Miami beach today. Well powered on a 11M for 2 hours.

(BTW, how do you upload pics directly in the post?)

HIGHFLYN 06-30-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by tonykite (Post 20843)
Great session at Miami beach today. Well powered on a 11M for 2 hours.

Right on!

Wind never came on up this way, Too stormy

ricki 06-30-2007 09:37 PM

Nice shots Tony, thanks for putting them up. That's somewhere on Miami Beach, near the cut?

Embedding photos into posts is pretty easy. It is detailed at:

Putting youtube video links into posts is even easier:

tonykite 07-02-2007 07:20 AM

I was at 69th st.
Great spot, very few swimmers as the nearest exit is closed to public.

Hopefully we will get some again soon.

(Just wanted to try the pics tool) Fresh session in the NW:

ricki 07-02-2007 07:49 AM

I saw the sand bar and boat nearshore so guessed south. Nice conditions. Wow, where was the snow kiting photo taken? The surface looks real good. For years I took some kiting gear to the mountains but never used any of it. A big cornfield in Minnesota or an area like you show is more my speed for getting into it as opposed to the mountains I think.

tonykite 07-02-2007 10:29 AM

This pic was taken in eastern Washington.
I have been looking for a place to snowkite for 2 years when I was in Seattle and finally found it randomly.
No one around, miles and miles of fresh snow and easy access.
If you don't mind driving, the NW offers great variety of land and water spots.

More info:

HIGHFLYN 07-04-2007 01:35 PM

Independance Day Swell
Super stoked!

Mother Nature delivered an eairly "Fireworks" display here in Palm Beach. Woke up this am with a northly drive on the agenda, As I knew there was a swell from the Low off the Carolina's

But to my suprise, It was coming in at Lake Worth. Waist to Chest high w/crystal clear water and not a breath of wind.

Saved the long haul up coast and surfed outback for over 2 hours

ricki 07-04-2007 02:06 PM

Wow, I had no idea. Looked at the light but building wind prospects to the east and massive building thermal squalls converging from the west and figure, not today. I didn't see obvious swells from A1A, it is good you looked more closely.

Glad you grabbed some nice swells. Good way to start Independence Day.

HIGHFLYN 07-08-2007 07:46 PM

Afternoon session
Around 4 at my house I could see that it had come back up a bit. So I drove up to Lake Worth for a visual, Wind was 10-12mph. So I figured since it was SSE I'd head back down to Boynton and see if it was a little stronger.

No such luck, same 10-12mph. Hung out for a few till around 5, right as the guards were wrapping it up for the day. The wind puffed up a bit more maybe 13-14mph. So I just couldn't call it a day yet, I rigged up the 17 and headed out on my surfboard and wound up putting in a full 2 hour session! :D

HIGHFLYN 07-09-2007 07:38 PM

#78 "HOWZAWIND!!!!" THREAD Today, 01:29 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 99

Sounds good, I got some new kites to check out... hopefully it will be strong after 5:00.

So far it looks good, I see someone out there riding at Hammock Park.
Attached Images (69.2 KB, 1 views)

Last edited by BizGuru : Today at 04:39 PM.

Well ya caught me, I bailed out of work and got there early. Wind was good at first. I was on my 13, but it didn't last for long. I switched up to a 17 and was well powered, Rode a surfboard most of the afternoon. Wind came on for maybe 1/2-3/4hr, powered enough to hop on a kiteboard. It seemed according to the ocean surface conditions alot windier then it was (~scratchingmyhead~ not sure about that one) No complaints here it's July and I got to ride :D

ricki 07-09-2007 10:02 PM

Glad you guys hit it. Get ready it's going nuclear tomorrow by the forecast, 10 to 15 mph SE!!!.

How can you tell it's summer? That's how.

Have fun

BizGuru 07-09-2007 10:44 PM

Well after watching your guys ride on the webcam I got stuck at work till 6, desprate with my new prototype kite I rushed to commercial to watch the kiters come in just as I get my kite up and started to play aroound with the tuning. As the winds began to lull more and more, I headed out into the water the kite fell shortly after partly because of course I had a nice 3 mph current running the same direction of the wind. Frustrated with life in general I packed up my kite and went home. Only to sit at my computer to finish the work I skipped out on to go kiting.

I must figure out how to kite more and work less.

I am chasing wind this weekend, if there is wind within a 7 hour radius I will be there. Roadtrip time.

ricki 07-10-2007 06:04 AM

It goes that way so often in summer trends. Lots of us have been through that so many times. It's good practice?

I don't know about this weekend (predicted to swing SW, side offshore), but the guys on the NE coast, say the Matanzas area have had some pretty good, even remarkable winds in recent weeks. Lots of days in the high teens, even into the 20's mph range per ikitesurf. Why not give Daryl a call at Extreme Kites and see how things look within the next couple of weeks.

HIGHFLYN 07-10-2007 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by RickI (Post 20987)
It goes that way so often in summer trends. Lots of us have been through that so many times. It's good practice?

I don't know about this weekend (predicted to swing SW, side offshore), but the guys on the NE coast, say the Matanzas area have had some pretty good, even remarkable winds in recent weeks. Lots of days in the high teens, even into the 20's mph range per ikitesurf. Why not give Daryl a call at Extreme Kites and see how things look within the next couple of weeks.

Ohhh I've had my share of PRACTICE, I try to keep the "Sugar" off my "Cookie"

One MIGHT want to make today a SICK/VACATION day as theres already a good SSE flow coming in here in Boynton.

IMO, it would be worth saving the fuel and time. Always nice to see other parts of Florida. But with wind in the backyard, it ALL that much more ride time!

Good Winds ~n~ Be Safe!

HIGHFLYN 07-10-2007 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by RickI (Post 20984)
Glad you guys hit it. Get ready it's going nuclear tomorrow by the forecast, 10 to 15 mph SE!!!.

How can you tell it's summer? That's how.

Have fun

It didn't quite Nuke like it was forecast to :eek:

But hey I rode again w/the summer "Light Wind Kit" in 11-12kts, for a good 2 hours. There was actually a small South wind swell to play on too.

HIGHFLYN 07-13-2007 07:58 PM

How insane is this, It's JULY and I just got off the water again!
Kited Lake Worth North side tonight. Mixxed it up between my kiteboard and a surfboard. Put in a solid 2hours of riding. Winds were steady between 12-13kts with some better puffs inbetween :D

I've been able to kite the last 6 days/evenings straight
~ it's just been unreal

ricki 07-14-2007 10:14 AM

well done! I was heading over thurs. and fri. but got derailed by work. you are moving toward a record, keep at it.

HIGHFLYN 07-15-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by RickI (Post 21136)
well done! I was heading over thurs. and fri. but got derailed by work. you are moving toward a record, keep at it.

I think I may just have done it Rick! Today will go down in the books as my 8th day in a row in the month of July!

Kited Boynton public from 2 till 5:00, till a wicked storm rolled in from the west and killed it. Super fun session being powered on 17's & 15's and mixxing it up between kiteboards & surfboards. There was some small surf that built as the wind came up and the tide dropped, which was fun to ride strapless in.

HIGHFLYN 07-17-2007 07:10 PM

Just got in from a downwinder, from Boynton Public to Lake Worth (6.5miles). The inside reefs were loaded with life (Tarpon, Baracuda, Stingrays and loads of bait fish) Water was crystal clear w/a small south wind swell along the beach.

Last nights short session (45min) up at Lake Worth along with todays downwinder, has keep the string alive. Today goes down as day 10 and if the forecast holds, it seems as though there may be an afternoon sea-breeze 10-15 for the rest of the week :cool:

ricki 07-21-2007 11:28 PM

A downwinder this time of year, go figure? Glad it was a good one. I did a short one myself this afternoon. I noticed the wind come up while out. Rushed home to check the radar as the cummulo stack was marching towards the ocean from the Glades. By the time I was home it looked like Delray and points north were getting pounded. The radar confirmed this and suggested that if I headed south I might be able to buy more time before the heavy stuff hit the coast if ever. Sometimes it dissapates west of the ICW, not this time though. I headed out south of Boca Inlet and boogied south fast to try to buy more time. I could see some intense shelf clouds several miles inland. I did several tacks and managed to make it about a 1 1/2 miles upwind. At that point some really black, gray, green surreal looking shelf clouds, mammatus and evil stuff were moving a bit too close for comfort. They were still several miles inland but you never know. I beached and landed to walk back. The wind died after a while, but not for long. After about 1/2 hour it shifted to NW from SE originally. It didn't go that high perhaps 35 mph+ although from the look of the clouds it could have spiked 70 mph+ complete with tornados.

I had an interesting sight as I walked back upwind. An expensive catamaran waited by the inlet until the storm was on it before meandering south. The guy put up a black spinnaker complete with skull & crossbones, for real. I'm thinking shredded spinnaker, demasted cat or capsized! Why would you rig the largest sail you have with an obvious violent storm with wacked out gusts and reversals about 10 minutes away? The wind wasn't as severe as it might have been so luck carried the day this time.

chrisinbahamas 07-22-2007 04:44 PM

dang yall seem to have wind all the time. we need some wind im dieing for some


ricki 07-22-2007 05:33 PM

Nope, more breeze and the odd burst of too much wind! Wind lust over time tunes your ability to milk the light stuff. Big boards, tuning kites for max performance at the low end, etc.. Keep in there, useable wind will come at least by November, sooner we hope.

HIGHFLYN 07-30-2007 02:28 PM

It was a short one, But I was able to squeek in a 1/2hr session yesterday. Powered on a 17 and rode my 127. Rigging and break-down took longer then the time I spent on the water. But I got to RIDE :D

Anyone else able to score any water time?

tonykite 07-31-2007 08:12 AM

I also got a 30/45 min session on 69th... A little light on a 15M Waroo but good enought to have fun.


HIGHFLYN 07-31-2007 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by tonykite (Post 21458)
I also got a 30/45 min session on 69th... A little light on a 15M Waroo but good enought to have fun.


~Cheers! Tony~ it feels great to get in a session (even a small one) this time of year.

I scored another one last night also, Right before a storm shut everything down.

Most important thing to consider this time of year is SAFETY, as the winds that are most common are assoicated w/coastal storms building from the west. Timming and keeping an eye on the weather are the keys

Good winds ~n~ Be safe

tonykite 07-31-2007 02:50 PM

Indeed! I kept in the corner on my eye a dark cloud coming in...

I finally landed way before the storm hit the area and the wind kept blowing for a good 45 min. I figured out it was safer to land anyway...

Take care.

500EPILOT 08-28-2007 08:02 PM

Got a rideable thermal today at Matheson around 12:30-1,2, Tim B got some too, SB12, CB12.

ricki 09-05-2007 08:28 PM

Talk about an unexpected surprise. The wind ranged between 14 and 22 kts. off Delray from about 3 pm on. It picked up a bit during twilight as well. The waves were even going a little, say 2 to 3 ft.

Anyone else grab some wind?

HIGHFLYN 09-06-2007 08:43 PM

Winds have defiantly been good, I’ve been able to kite everyday since the 1st of Sept (except Labor day) Tonight was by far the best session yet though. Powered on the 13 Bularoo and a surfboard strapless. Playing around in 1-3ft NE wind swell. Super Stoked!

ricki 09-07-2007 09:13 AM

I was on a 16 m, hoping for 11 m weather (can dream right?). Still, it was a nice powered session. Wanted to head out last night but was stuck doing other stuff. Looked a like some light squalls were moving through at times messing with the wind? Anyway, glad it was a good session. Hope we get some useable wind later today too!

HIGHFLYN 09-26-2007 10:37 AM

Finally! Were past the summer doldrums, September has been good here in Palm Beach County.
~Cheers~ to the consistent usable winds of October and November.

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