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Steve-O 07-29-2008 11:17 PM

Crossing the line!!!!
Awhile back in the spring, we got a call from an IRB city official. A complaint was made by a long time resident about a kitesurfer near 27th Ave. He has been swimming near there his whole life, and on this day never felt as threatened as he did by an unidentified kitesurfer. The indiviual was buzzing by the swimmer and he almost felt he was trying to spay him. Perception is eveything, and clearly this swimmer and resident of IRB felt threatened enough to file a complaint with the city of IRB.

There is an individual that I expected as the culprit and although I don't have proof of the incident that day, just recently another kiteboarder that lives on 27th witnessed this individual being extremely reckless. Buzzing the shoreline, weaving in and out of swimmers, and repeadetly crashing his kite near swimmers with one crash having lines over swimmers. Needless to say his riding behavior cleared the beach. Everyone that was in the water in his vicinity got out of the water and just stood on the beach and watched dazed and confused. The rider seemed oblivious to the situation.

Long story short, this resident confronted the rider and his attitude was basically "I will do whatever the "F" I want. I don't need to follow the rules, I have been in the water my whole life. I got it under control."

Everywhere I have seen this cat ride, he has been a trainwreck. Closecalls with others, flying up onto launch sites at full speed and out of control resulting in trips to the hospital, hooking his kite up backwards, the list goes on.

Clearly, my attempts and others to talk some sense into this guy is not working. I can honestly say I have not witnessed such a wreckless riding practice as this guy.

Since verbal communication is not working, I thought I would try the forum to bring light to the situation. I am also making aware the local kiters of IRB of this individual with an attempt to catch him on video and share what we have seen.

This type of riding behavior will not be tolerated and I hope I have full support of the kiting community here in Tampa Bay.

I will not disclose a name on the public forum, however, if you want to get involved on this one, send me a PM. I will be glad to enlist some troops.

Call me what you want, but if it means protecting access 2 minutes from my house, I will do whatever neccessary.

Where's the wind?

Skyway Scott 07-30-2008 10:51 AM

This is going to be an interesting year in terms of stuff like this.
The more kiters we get, the greater the odds that we will have 5 or more guys that are totally self absorbed pricks and don't care what they do.
People like this will most likely respond when confronted while riding 5 feet from bathers and jeopardizing access with "whatever...." and similar responses and just keep doing it.

I just found out who this guy is from WSW, and he has been riding less than a year. That's all I will say on "who".

A couple issues come up on this (for me, anyway). First, the only way to have what you accuse a guy of "stick" on a forum is to video tape him and have "proof". Many people will simply just lie when confronted, or the circumstances might get whack. So the tape is necessary (if a forum callout is going to happen) to show facts. Once video taped and posted, that video is now likely to always be on the 'net. Someone is likely to copy it, and upload it somewhere else.
So, think of that. A tape of a guy acting like a lame as.s on the 'net, representing us. Ughh. :confused: Taping it may have some serious consequence. But, if you don't, he will most likely say you are lying. Catch 22.

Okay, now we have Joe-SHMOE in the cross hairs (hypothetical) using the vid. Many riders saw the vid and are mad and want him to stop riding how he does. Now what? Seriously. Is his riding behavior going to stop? Think about this. It's likely that he has already been confronted at the areas we ride already, in person. These types have proven they simply don't care what we say, and keep doing it.
So, is ten people asking going to change the outcome? (maybe it will, that's why I am asking) Do we need to ask a cop to talk to him?
Is that a good idea involving beach police? (I have no idea, btw)

Steve, I am totally on your side on this, as you have known since day one. This post is just to bring stuff up.

The ultimate goal is to stop particular behaviors, right? I don't think any of us are in this to feel good about a call out. I sure am not. We just want our spots protected.
Well, without the cooperation of the problem rider, it seems we will need the help of authorities. How is that going to work? Does anyone know?
BTW, I am talking about over the top, obvious problem riders here.
Someone riding repeatedly close to swimmers (within 20 feet), jumping them, etc. I would like to hear other's takes on this.
It'd be great to get some sort of game plan in place.

For me, as of now, because there is no plan in place, I think putting up positive stuff on TBKA might actually help to counteract, should we ever need to present ourselves (as a group) to the City, etc. I think many of you might underestimate the possible counterstriking ability of the TBKA site, especially the Rider Profile area, in terms of outnumbering the problem riders. I constructed that site primarily for that section, in hopes that more riders would send in profiles. If we have 100 riders on there that look good on paper, that can't hurt if we ever go into a City or County meeting and try to look good.

It takes 15 minutes to send in a profile with some pics. Please do it. If you don't (just being honest) you aren't doing much to help out our kiting community. It's such a small request that could possibly help us out in the future. Not sure what ulterior motive some of you might think is going on with that section, or that site, there is none. You don't have to become a member or the Hari haris or dye your hair to fill out a profile. It's just a section trying to show we have a ton of good people in this community.

Please take the time to make out a profile and send it in.
Thanks to those that have.

It's not the ultimate answer to this problem, but it can't hurt.

Danimal8199 07-30-2008 10:51 AM

I'm almost positive I know who you are talking about. I would hate for this guy to ruin it for the rest of us. I have also witnessed this type or riding and its even more important to follow the rules this time of year with so many people in the water.

Steve-O 07-30-2008 12:57 PM

Update with this situation. Some of you that read this forum have come to the same conclusion that the person in question is Jeff Reisman. The incident that I described on the first post was NOT Jeff Reisman. Jeff is a nice guy and rides on the risky side. I like many others have seen Jeff push things a bit too far....hence the conclusion. But I assure you, after doing more work on this it is NOT Jeff. Jeff I apologize for you taking a hit, but it may make you think a bit about how you ride as well. Nuf' said.

With that being said, I have norrowed it down to one. I will take care of it from here on out. If anyone would like to help me with this situation it is welcome.

Scott....your comments about TBKA profiles are right on and I will be sure to get mine submitted very soon.

On a side note, I went to Cocoa Beach back in the spring and saw some crazy riding practices there on the beach. For them it was totally normal. For me, it was enlightening. Bottom line is we seem to have a standard here in Tampa Bay of what is acceptable and what is not.

Only thing I can say about that is.....Thank God for that.

Tom Stock 07-30-2008 01:42 PM

Good buddy, you need to check the rules before posting:

1) Never discuss a ban before it happens.

2) Never call someone out on the forum.

3) Never post pictures or video of reckless local riders.

4) Never jump outside the swim zone.

5) No negative posts allowed.

You should know all of this by now!

Danimal8199 07-30-2008 02:44 PM

Tom I can't tell if your post is a joke or is serious because of #4...??


Originally Posted by Tom Stock (Post 35228)

4) Never jump outside the swim zone.

Tom Stock 07-30-2008 03:13 PM

#4 is correct.

You need to jump where people can see you!

Yes, it's a joke. All of it. Sad part is it's true.

Skyway Scott 07-30-2008 03:21 PM

He is being sarcastic about the futility of this forum. (oops, took longer than 10 minutes to post)

Steve, looking forward to getting your profile.
BTW Steve, I brought up those questions hoping for insight, not trying to be confrontational.

This is a true story that I hope serves as an analogy about being "acceptable". I remember going to a pro beach volleyball tourney about 15 years ago out at TI. It was the finals. During the points the crowd was dead quiet. At the end of a point, the crowd cheered. There were at least 500 people viewing it. Again to stress, during points it was silent on the crowd's behalf.

This one guy then comes on scene with a radio. He sits down right in front of some bleachers (ten feet from the court), puts the radio down in the sand, then turns it on full blast, blaring very loud music.
At first people were in shock. "Did that guy really just do that?" is obviously what everyone was thinking, as all turned and whispered to their friends.
Nearly every single person there was annoyed and knew this wasn't cool. It was obvious. Thing is though, not one person said or did a damn thing. They (including me) just looked around and prayed someone else would ask him to turn it off. Not one person did, not even the referee.

The more time passed, the more people became annoyed. BUT, the more time passed, the harder (it seemed) to become to ask him to stop. I think people started doubting themselves about whether this was (un)acceptable and doubting/worrying about what would happen if they confronted him.
I learned something that day. If no one takes action, nothing happens.
The story continues, however.

When new people arrived on scene, they assume the blaring radio has been acknowledged as acceptable. (It IS on, and blaring.. and nothing is being done to stop it). You guessed the progression (if you were thinking ahead). Ten minutes later, another guy showed up and jammed his radio too. Then after about a half hour, two more guys actually had radios blaring.

The crowd as a whole, btw, were still beyond annoyed with the situation. They didn't just get use to it. But, since no one stopped the first guy, stopping 4 seemed 4 times as difficult and the crowd just put up with it.
That was a very interesting day for me. In a nutshell, 4 guys severely limited the enjoyment of 500 others AND no doubt, affected the level of play of the pros. Yet, no one stood up (not even the referee) and said something.

Anyway, you either get or you don't.

I think you did the right thing on here by posting (w/o a name) and calling out for help from those that might be concerned, Steve.

I was only trying to figure out what to do next, because I am curious how to stop someone who could not care less, without the law or similar backing you up.

bryanleighty 07-30-2008 04:07 PM

off topic odd public behavior situation I've seen..

Went to see Lord of the Rings Two Towers (3 hour movie).. right before it started some people rushed in and sat down in the front.. big package w/ them.

Crowd silent to watch film.

About 3 minutes in we hear 1 can of beer crack open.. whatever...then another..

Then we hear a baby start crying.. ugh.. this is going to suck..

Then the dog starts to bark.


They brought a yippie little dog to the show.. jaw dropping..

I saw some people getting up .. obviously to leave or more likely to report the situation..
I was a bit in shock.. messed up the first 15 minutes of the movie before they were asked to leave.

I am amazed at the success of the human race sometimes.. :)

Woodson 07-30-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Stock (Post 35233)
#4 is correct.

You need to jump where people can see you!

Yes, it's a joke. All of it. Sad part is it's true.

Classic! I expect the same level of entertainment at work going forward...


Skyway Scott 07-30-2008 09:31 PM


I just need 3 or 4 good pics now. :)

Tom Stock 07-31-2008 09:01 AM

Ok serious response to this topic.

We don't need this sort of thing on the forum, it's not going to accomplish anything.

Next time it happens, make some phone calls, round up some guys and confront him right there on the beach asap.

If he refuses to cut the crap, tell him you are going to call the cops RIGHT NOW and he can explain it to the marine patrol and beach police, and that you have witnesses.

I guarantee he will stop at that point.

But if he doesn't , don't puss out and let him call your bluff. Go ahead and call. Explain to the cop that it is not kite boarders that are the problem, but just this one individual being reckless and you would like him to be forced to leave the beach. You have plenty of witnesses, and be sure to tell the cop that you are also a kite boarder.

Trust me, it's better if another kite boarder calls first. If one of the people on the beach call first you are going to be considered part of the problem by the cops.

Simple as that.

Normally I would say just kick the guy's ass, but if the cops show up to find two kiteboarders fighting on the beach and a bunch of pissed off residents are watching it will look very very bad for all of us.

Be the first to call, simple as that.

Skyway Scott 07-31-2008 09:28 AM

Since you are recommending calling the beach patrol or beach cops, what rule do we tell them that this guy is breaking?
I am just looking for info on this point.

Kitespear813 07-31-2008 09:35 AM


Since you are recommending calling the beach patrol or beach cops, what rule do we tell them that this guy is breaking?
I am just looking for info on this point.
I would tell them that Most kiteboarders understand The dangers of vessels in the swim zone(just like jetskiers) and that this guy has shone disregard for the safety of the swimmers in the swim zone and we want him to leave before he hurts someone.

Skyway Scott 07-31-2008 09:49 AM

Not trying to be a nuisance. Is that a broken law, a kiter riding in the SZ? I know there are laws against jetskis in the swim zones.

Is the cop enforcing a rule about kiters being in the swim zone (I don't think one exists)? Or a feeling of "recklessness"?
What if a non-kiter calls a cop out and says "that guy looks reckless", what does that look like?

Again, not trying to be a jerk, just fleshing this out more. I don't know how this stuff works.

Tom Stock 07-31-2008 09:54 AM

No, it's called reckless endangerment.

It doesn't matter if he is on the beach, in the swimzone or in the parking lot. You need not even bring up vessels, swim zones, or anything else.

Gather witnesses for his reckless behavior and he is out of there, period.

Skyway Scott 07-31-2008 10:21 AM

Interesting. I am gonna have to just sit on the sidelines if that ever happens.

Danimal8199 07-31-2008 10:37 AM

Problem at IRB is there are no "Swim Zones" there are just bouys that read "not wake" or "no boats"...the bouys have nothing to do with swimming.

I however agree with the reckless endangerment, you might be onto something there Tom.

I also think what Steve-O did was ok. If you don't bring up these issues and make them known, then how does anyone take action?

Its one this to see someone do something once or twice and address it with them in person, its another to have a repeat offender who refuses to listen, then I don't have a problem with calling them out on the forum.

Whitey posted a message about the whole swim zone thing before and what the law considers kiteboarders to be. At Honeymoon island you can't even have a kayak in the swim zone...The rules are weird.


Kitespear813 07-31-2008 10:50 AM

Reckless and Careless Operation

Anyone who operates a vessel with willful disregard for the safety of persons or property will be cited for reckless operation (a first-degree misdemeanor).

All operators are responsible for operating their vessel in a reasonable and prudent manner with regard for other vessel traffic, posted restrictions, the presence of a divers-down flag, and other circumstances so as not to endanger people or property. Failure to do so is considered careless operation (a non-criminal infraction).

A violation of the Federal Navigation Rules is also a violation of Florida law.

Law Enforcement Authority

Law enforcement officers of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Sheriff's deputies of the various counties, and any other authorized enforcement officer, shall have the authority to order the removal of vessels deemed to be an interference or hazard to public safety, enforce all boating safety laws, or cause any inspection to be made of all vessels in accordance to state law.

Interperate how wevr you want but arn't kiteboards simply really small wind powered vessels?

Skyway Scott 07-31-2008 11:02 AM

I don't see a problem with Steve's post either, Danny.
Also, I think we are all calling the swim zone that area that boats aren't allowed in. In other words, it's safe to swim in there without getting drilled by a Formula 1 boat. :)

Tom, for the most part, I haven't been on the sidelines in 8 years in terms of confronting problems out at the beach.
But in terms of calling cops, I will be watching that to see how it turns out. I have bias concerning police.

Sean, you would think that kiteboards are vessels. Seems like a no brainer, right?
To my knowledge, they have no classification yet.
I have asked several marine officers, coasties, you name it. They all said to me "I am not sure how a kiteboard is classified".
Do you have any idea how a surfer is classified, especially SUP? I don't.

It seems logical that if a kiteboarder is classified as a vessel, that we aren't allowed in the swim zones.
I think this stuff will become more clear in the next year or so.
At some point, someone is going to have to classify kiteboarders as something.

If anyone knows, it would be RickI.

toby wilson 07-31-2008 01:19 PM


Tom Stock 07-31-2008 01:26 PM


toby wilson 07-31-2008 01:43 PM


Tom Stock 07-31-2008 02:00 PM

Stop playing in the litter box

toby wilson 07-31-2008 02:04 PM

Just reminiscing about old times hanging out with you on the beach Tom... ;)

Tom Stock 07-31-2008 02:53 PM

Thanks for proving my point.

Posting on the forum is as useful as writing on a bathroom wall.

toby wilson 07-31-2008 03:25 PM

Then why do you do it 20 times a day?

Skyway Scott 07-31-2008 03:38 PM

Now, now, children (Toby quote, circa 3 years ago)

This forum isn't always a waste of time.
But, if you guys want to check out some alternatives, might I suggest --- :p


I don't disagree with you, but RAW does. It's entirely reasonable to make those small changes in order to make things more logical. Still, consider the orb spells. The secondary effects don't change. Imgaine a cold subbed acid ball making something sick.

Where does one end the insanity? Shivering touch specifies that cold subtypes are immune to the effects, but if you acid subbed THAT, it doesn't change that rule.

Just saying...It's reasonable, but not always wise.

Steve-O 07-31-2008 09:28 PM

Thought about this all day.

First off, it is not drama to me. There is really I guy who I don't really know riding at IRB like a jackass. Let me elaborate as I didn't before. This guy repeadetly crashed his kite near swimmers with one crash on top of swimmers and lines around swimmers. Kite crashing on shorebreak. Cleared an entire avenue of people out of the water.

It is hard to address a person you don't see very often. IRB is not like East Beach or Skyway as far as a "kite spot". With that said, I see the forum as a place to get the word out and keep an eye out for this person. Danny and I am sure others would like to know when a spot is in serious risk. I would define this kiters actions as a serious risk to the sport on IRB.

Each situation is different. This is not a case of everyone standing around at East Beach and everyone hesitant to say something. This is a way to communicate to a handful of people to keep an eye out for this guy. I will leave a name out as I did before, but were talking about a middle aged guy that flies a green SB3. Can't wait to run into him. I have seen him out there so I know who I am looking for.

One final thought....I respect anyone's opinion of how this forum should or shouldn't be used. I have never expressed mine however. If someone wants to post pictures of their model airplane on a kite forum then so be it. Someone want to test a website. Fine. I don't have a problem with that. But I think Rick's original intent of this forum was first a place to discuss safety issues. So please respect my use of the forum. Someone bashing kites on the publics head is a safety issue especially since already one complaint has been filed to the city of IRB. That is not drama, that is real to me and others as well that call IRB home.

This guy is not going to be easy to catch let alone deal with. I need every tool available, and the forum to me has the most power. As I said before, anyone that would like to help out with this, please let me know, especially the local riders of IRB which this original post was intended for.

Scott and others, thanks for your support on this one. I truly appreciate it.

Skyway Scott 08-01-2008 12:48 AM

Danny is the first that spoke up in your defense.
I still don't see a problem with what you posted.
You stated that you tried to talk to the guy, and that failed.
Been there, done that. I know how frustrating it gets knowing that you are going to need to get someone else to talk to them or help out.

As opposed to calling them out on here and getting stuck in a pissing match, you asked that people that cared give a call or PM. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

ricki 08-01-2008 05:13 AM

Do you guys know of any kiters in your area in law enforcement, i.e. police, sheriff's deputy, marine patrol, maybe even USCG, etc.? If so, having a good discussion with them about this and similar problems would be in order. After explanation of the issues, consider effective ideas of what they think could be done to help the situation and motivate responsible kiteboarding.

Government, interpretation and enforcement of laws and rules can be a complex and sometimes confusing thing. Throw in Admiralty Law and it becomes potentially more complex. In many jurisdictions kiteboarding is not looked on with the same level of concern or enforcement as is the case for numbered vessels. If we can keep things going, I believe it would be in our interest to work to keep things that way.

It comes down to what enforcement the authorities are willing to do. An authority engaged in kiting is already way ahead in the learning curve on many important issues. In the selective interpretation and enforcement of rules they may be able to interface with colleagues and other agencies in working out an effective response.

Authorities aside, Tom's idea or others about having a call list and group involvement when such incidents occur is worth looking into. Working to avoid the frequent "random indifference" problem kiters experience from larger groups of other kiters is a good goal. Physical altercations can lead to bigger messes and should be avoided. You need to bring pressure and valid concerns to the problem kiters in a way they can see and appreciate. No one likes major negative peer pressure. "Creative" application of valid pressure may help more so. There seems to be a practice in some cases of problem kiters confusing things saying "it wasn't me" "you misunderstand" etc. Having a few fair witnesses that are kiters with solid evidence can help to avoid confusion, intentional or otherwise. In bringing pressure to the problem kiter you want to take prudent steps to avoid bringing harmful excessive and overt pressure against the general practice kiting in general in the public's or authorities' perception, "i.e. out of control constructive nuisances" which we are not.

Talk on a forum can be a good constructive thing, if it leads to reasonable, prudent and in this case, group action. I would recommend continuing to resolve a realistic plan and doing it, as a group.

Kiteboarding Tampa Bay 08-01-2008 09:34 AM

That guy (or another one like him) was at IRB yesterday(green Switch 14,Flight Deck board) as was the "handrail jumper" kid, flying a 6m foil with handles.(blonde, about 12 or 13 years old)
The majority of us are safe kiters and very tired of inconsiderate and/or uneducated kiters risking our right to kite.The groundwork is being laid for something simple, effective and fair by Kite-4-Life, which promotes safe kiting and personal responsibility for one's actions. is where local issues are discussed and decided (voted on).
*The north county guys will soon begin laying out guidelines for Sunset Beach, and Ft. Desoto is on the top of the list for south county, so let's lay out some basic and site specific guidelines and vote on them.
No more wasting time, let's get it done.

Danimal8199 08-01-2008 10:40 AM


The handrail jumper kid baffles me because I'm not sure what he is doing??? What his point? He's obviously not trying to learn kiteboarding and he is not doing anything fundamental...

Its just weird :confused:

Kiteboarding Tampa Bay 08-01-2008 11:21 AM

He wasn't handrail jumping this time, it was 720 beach jumps in a crowd and then letting his buddy try it.They were also riding a skimboard on the shoreline with the kite.

There are many, many students who have had a few hour lesson and think they are done with their training, purchased gear and think they will figure out the rest on their own. The green switchbalde guy is obviously one of those.
To my students: If you have not gotten an IKO Kiteboarder card from me yet, it means you're not done with your training. When you are able to safely practice on your own, you will get a card. No offense, but I did not become an instructor to teach half a lesson and send you on your way. Hopefully other instructors will follow this lead and encourage getting a sufficient amount of training, especially before purchasing a kite.

*There have been several more profiles come in today! This is good stuff and will be where "officials" and others will review the local kiting community, so take a few minutes to tell us about yourself and what kiting means to you. Also, Scott has put a rotation of kiter pics on the main page, it looks sweet and puts a face on the kiters around here. Send in any pics you want and we will get them up there. The more the merrier! (Thanks everyone who sent in a profile, you ROCK!!)

BTW, I moved the current Sunset Beach and Ft. Desoto discussions back to the top to hash out the details. One things for sure about Ft. Desoto, no uncertified instruction will be tolerated this season, nor will beach-side gear sales. The park has already given the thumb's up on those two issues. Let's lay these guidelines out before everyone gets in the "Let's Ride" mode again.

Kitespear813 08-01-2008 11:36 AM

What Is an IKO Kiteboarder card, How can I get one... I am already a self sufficient kiter but I don't think they had these cards when I took lessons. Sounds Like it might be good to have.

Steve-O 08-01-2008 03:14 PM

I was speaking to Danny (Danimal) about this today and something can make things a bit confusing about the IRB situation.

There is a kiter by the name of Dave that lives at 27th Ave. He owns a 14SB3 Green and rides a flightdeck. Tall and middle aged. He was one of my students as well as Mike Hall's this past spring. It is Dave from 27th that made me aware of this other guy. Dave is the one that approached him about recklessness and it was Dave that got the impression that this guy didn't give two shits about anything.

So the confusing part.....the reckless rider is also named Dave and has a green switchblade.

I know what your thinking.....forget it. This sounds rediculous. The fact is, there are two Dave's with two green SB3's riding the same spot. One of them is reckless, one is not.

This will be my last post on this topic. Kiting is not getting any smaller as this situation will highlight. If you don't ride IRB, then don't worry about it. The locals here will take care of it.

What a mess.

Whitey 08-01-2008 04:18 PM

Handle it in person.

Don't need police involved they are busy dealing with crime.

Don't post a video here makes the sport look more dangerous than it is.

If you get a video of him crashing his kite into people make sure to get a copy to the people at risk so they can ask gary to sue the crap out of this non-conformist.

If I am there to see him crash his kite into people I will run to help him get his kite out of the innocent bystanders right away.

Then while he is pumping his kite back up well have a talk.

Everyone knows the safest way to get a kite out of a goup of swimmers is to deflate it right away.

Try to get to the main fill valve to dump the air but, if you think some one might be in harms way and you are not right in the middle, I was told that your suppose to pull all those little black tubes that go to the struts off. If you can get all of them it will deflate pretty quick and keep the kite from getting away from you. Try not to loose those little buggers, I'm sure he will want those back.

Skyway Scott 08-01-2008 04:20 PM

That's why I was given a nickname at one point early in kiting, was to avoid confusion with 2 other Scotts (I know... but there were only about 10 riders total back then). Sounds like nicknames might help keep those two from blending into one schizo person in someone's mind. :)

This thread on KF is semi on topic and I found parts of it pretty funny.

Kiteboarding Tampa Bay 08-01-2008 04:33 PM

No offense to anyone's students, but we all know as instructors, people usually get one lesson and are gone. My point is that its hard for a student to know exactly when he's able to practice on their own. The kiteboarder card solves that problem by requiring a basic skills test to verify that they have learned the basics. Every kiter I teach gets a self rescue demonstration in the first 3 hour lesson, but rarely do they return and show that they have learned it. Thats something beyond the instructors control. Create standards and the problem is closer to being solved.
Personally, I am not going to get involved in another (of many) 15 page threads of BS concerning guidelines, signs, tags, or whatever. Its the right way to go considering we now have 300-400 kiters walking on thin ice with the officals of Pinellas County, and now, IRB...
I don't think the guy yesterday was being reckless, just a new kiter who shouldn't be practicing water starts and relaunch 50' from the beach. The other 2 kiters with me said that was probably the guy this thread was originally about, but who knows or cares. It doesn't matter if they are inexperienced or just inconsiderate- a ban is a ban.

conchxpress 08-01-2008 07:04 PM

How about Kirby? K - I - R - B - y KookIndianRocksBeach-y

or DISTIRB Dumb-Ignorant-SOB-Indian-Rocks-Beach

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