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Skyway Scott 03-15-2008 07:27 PM

Corpus Christi video (kiteloop accident)
This video shows some cool stuff.
It has Julian in it breaking his lower leg (shin bone) on a kite loop.
He looks a lot different now than in high school.
That part starts at 3:25.

After seeing that, I think I am going to reconsider continuing doing megaloops.

NOTE - you HAVE to save the file and then rename it or add a .MP4 extension to it. Don't know why they screwed it up so bad.
Save it to your desktop, then just rename it by adding .mp4 to the end of it to view it.
Corpus looks pretty awesome. :)

CrazyJay 03-15-2008 07:41 PM


We were all very proud watching you from the beach 2day. Sick Sick
I heard several people saying...... "holy sh*t!.... is that Fears???
Plus, you're only a trick or two away from losing the namesake "3 trick Scott"
Maybe we can call you "6 trick FEARLESS"

Skyway Scott 03-15-2008 08:10 PM

Funny. I don't have a problem with 3 tricks personally :) (I think I have 4).
BTW, after you left I landed 2 big ones by sheeting in on the way down like you said.

Donna saw my best one. That's good enough for me :) for awhile.

After seeing Julian break his leg on that size of a loop, I can't for the life of me figure out how someone like Ruben doesn't just break his entire body in half on his super mega loops. He must be made out of rubber.

Tom Stock 03-16-2008 01:18 PM

Holy @#$%

Dude doing kiteloops like that on a 2006 WAROO is ASKING for a broken leg. I landed so hard trying loops like that (looping low without jumping first) I broke two boards and I'm glad I didn't break my leg.

Thought it was just me until I bought a new kite and realized it was because of the kite.

That kite sucks for kite loops.

inferno 03-16-2008 02:58 PM

hey scott, you were getting a little less horizontal pull then that guy, but you definately got higher a few times then him......

notice how when he landed (if you want to call it that) his kite was still out in front of him.... thats why his leg broke...

if you watch lentens loops, hes mostly high enough to swing under his kite with out hitting the water, then redirect it infront of him as he lands....

your loops are sort of in the middle of the two.... i bet if you rode with 20-22m lines you'd be sticking them all day long.....

definately looking good out there, giving tom a run for his money :)

Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 03:44 PM

Yikes. That's sort of depressing in a way.
Julian's loops are sick because he is looping before he gets much air and the loop itself provides much of his lift. He is really getting yanked horizontally at first, as a result. I was trying to hit about 12 feet (on the way up to what I thought would be 20) before looping, so that I wojld still have the kite out in front of me a ways and get yanked horizontally.
I was hoping I was at least 20 feet on my good ones. It sure felt like 20 plus on a several of them. If it wasn't, that's pretty lame.

I would put Julian at only 12 feet up (max) on most of his. Again, his goal isn't height, I don't believe. I think he is just going for flat out "shot from cannon" take offs and 12 feet of lift do to a kiteloop is sick!

It's been interesting experimenting with loops at different heights and at different stages in the jump the last few times out.
I have come to the conclusion that if you don't see the guy get horizontally yanked, the loop was "wimpy".

I can't figure out how RL10 hasn't died on one of his mega loops yet. His seem to be by far the most insane.

The jump over the tree island at 40 seconds is just insane.
I mean, wtf?!, seriously. How he is landing going 30 mph and dropping like a rock like at the 2:25 mark?
I just don't get it.

Tom Stock 03-17-2008 06:53 AM

Ruben is sending his kite and getting it above his head before he throws the kite loop... so he's doing a small 10-15ft jump first. Usually he boots off a wave, gets 10-20ft up and then throws it (starting kite high).


Kite > overhead <, you any distance off water, you are pretty much safe to throw it cause you have room to swing under it.

Kite at 12 but > not over head < (low in front of you), or kite low period,regardless of whether or not you are off the water, you are gonna come down HARD.

All you need is room to swing under it after the loop.

Learned all of this the hard way 'cause nobody else except Billy and Jason were really doing them much when Danny and I started trying them.

Just figured this out after 2 years of doing them wrong half the time and wondering what went wrong. Well, not wrong really ... just too aggressive for my board and knees.

Kite high and small buffer area and you are good to go.

Scott, have you tried down looping it yes at the same point you are back looping :D

Skyway Scott 03-17-2008 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Stock (Post 30599)
Ruben is sending his kite and getting it above his head before he throws the kite loop... so he's doing a small 10-15ft jump first. Usually he boots off a wave, gets 10-20ft up and then throws it (starting kite high).


Kite > overhead <, you any distance off water, you are pretty much safe to throw it cause you have room to swing under it.

Kite at 12 but > not over head < (low in front of you), or kite low period,regardless of whether or not you are off the water, you are gonna come down HARD.

No offense Tom, but until I see you do one of these at height while still on the ascent, it's not what you are thinking. Ruben is throwing the loop on his ascent (at about 12 feet) during a jump that he would have hit 25 feet (at least) without looping the kite. His kite isn't anywhere near over his head when he initiates the loop, and it obviously goes very low relative to himself while in flight.
He is often reaching total heights of 50 to 60 feet (fricking INSANE). It's anything but safe or just coming down under your kite. Next time it's blowing 25 plus if you loop it at 15 feet while ascending a big jump, you are going to be surprised if you think it's safe or easy to swing under the kite. :confused:

I am not (by far) an expert on this, but have now experimented with looping jumps at some different heights and at different points on the ascent to get a feel. I have found that the sooner you pull the kite on the way up, the more violent the pull. Ruben is looping the kite at less than half way up what would be his full ascent of a 30 foot jump on his "crazy loops". Yeah, he is at 15 feet, but it's 15 feet up on what would be a 30 footer without the loop and he is hitting 50 feet up on many of them. That spells insanity and some serious horizontal distance covered.

Anyway, doing a loop at the apex of even a 30 foot jump (kite already overhead) does nada, I agree.
Long story short, the only way to judge how aggressive a loop was is to judge the horizontal distance travelled "extra" to a normal jump. If it wasn't much, it was a wimpy loop. If it was alot (Ruben is covering a foot ball field in some) it's insanity and very dangerous, imo. Having height doesn't make an aggressive loop more safe, it just adds a ton more distance travelled, more speed and a need to really time and place the kite more perfectly.
Sorry, but hearing you say (I think that's how I read it) Ruben isn't pulling off the "shit" cuz he has height really makes me wonder. Especially since I haven't seen anyone around here (or anywhere, even on film) do anything close to what Ruben does. There is a reason. It's beyond dangerous.

Just because you are 60 feet up doesn't make it safe. No way. If you screw up, you are now travelling horizontally at mach 2 and descending with gravity as usual. Why not just jump out of a car going 40 off of a bridge at 50 feet up? That's what Ruben is risking every time he does one of his truly crazy loops.

Here is an extreme example of looping with kite over your head (in some screwed up updraft winds). This would be safe on the descent of even a 60 footer, and is often done many times in a row to control descent.

Anyway, the true megaloops that Ruben is doing are totally insane. I wasn't anywhere near those. If someone saw me though and wants to try to loop on the ascent (not apex or descent), prepare for a heart attack and hard landing, even if you stick it. I recommend making it easy on yourself and only looping when almost at the ascent, and not on the way up. :)

Tom Stock 03-17-2008 11:09 AM

Scott, no offense, how would you know when you ride half a mile away regardless of where we ride? You've never said yes when I ask "did you see that [xxx] trick".

I do them on the ascent all the time...? I just recently started doing them at the apex to save my knees. For awhile I didn't even jump first.. I just threw the loop and came down like a brick (like the guy with the broken leg). I don't see you doing many of those either and why would you want to?

(edit) I just re-read and I think the confusion here is that i was talking about the landing... how to land softly... not how to or how not to do a powered kiteloop.

But anyway, in every case Ruben has height before looping the kite.

If he didn't he'd get drilled.

Of course his loops are insane ... he basically swings under the kite from a whopping 75 feet missing the water by 5 feet... if he didn't get lift from the kite before hitting the water he would be F@#$#D really bad. The guy is nuts and probably does the most perfect (powered) kite loop.

I agree with you about the horizontal distance... if you aren't looping the kite on the way up and then screaming down wind at mach 5 you didn't do a powered kiteloop. A late kite loop (at or after apex) is a sissy kite loop.... BUT if the kite isn't over your head on that sissy loop it will drill you... because you won't be under it when you land.

Kite loop contest? Sure any time. Bring it. Back, Down, hooked, unhooked, powered, not powered whatever you want :D

inferno 03-17-2008 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Stock (Post 30630)

Kite loop contest? Sure any time. Bring it. Back, Down, hooked, unhooked, powered, not powered whatever you want :D

sounds exciting....

Tom Stock 03-17-2008 11:21 AM

you can play too

toby wilson 03-17-2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Stock (Post 30630)
A late kite loop (at or after apex) is a sissy kite loop.... BUT if the kite isn't over your head on that sissy loop it will drill you... because you won't be under it when you land.

Well most of us don't even have the cajones to do sissy kiteloops!!! And when we do them on accident we get hurt, LOL!!!

Tom Stock 03-17-2008 11:37 AM

Aw c'mon Toby I bet you can do them no prob. Just pull with one hand on the way down. Feels the same as diving your kite as long as you do them late starting with kite > overhead <.

bryanleighty 03-17-2008 12:39 PM


kiteloops (small ones) are much easier than you would believe.

truly.. just jump and at the apex pull HARD on backhand.. i move my front hand to other side of bar so i dont whimp out half way thru..(painful)

a 3 foot jump is all you need..think small .. and really try to separate the jump motion from the loop motion.. think JUMP.. then think LOOP.. its when you pull the loop in the same motion as your jump that you get yanked ..

inferno 03-17-2008 12:48 PM

toby, dont be scared, guys like us (200+lbs) dont get yanked quite as bad as the feather wieghts who need to start drinking some protien shakes and pumping iron so they dont look like girly men :)

J/K guys, you all know im just jealous that your main kite is 3m smaller then mine....

Tom Stock 03-17-2008 08:58 PM

Well... had a little kiteloop contest and Scott and I concluded it was a draw. We agreed we are both doing some pretty good powered kite loops. It sorta died but then picked up again as the sun went down and we got some real good ones when it gusted to solid 25. Have to admit I was impressed with Scotts loops. I was pretty happy when Scott confessed that i was doing them the same way he was cause his were pretty sick and I've never seen what mine look like (and I don't do them that way often).

I guess I thought Danny was doing the big ones but it seems thing are not what I once thought. Danny has been downgraded.

Broke my board... so I guess it is not unbreakable (but what is).

Skyway Scott 03-17-2008 09:05 PM

That was sort of funny doing them out in the dark.
Yeah, I thought Danny's looked pretty insane at first.
But not after what I just saw tonight. :)

inferno 03-17-2008 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Stock (Post 30656)

I guess I thought Danny was doing the big ones but it seems thing are not what I once thought. Danny has been downgraded.

thats just wrong.....

Tom Stock 03-17-2008 10:21 PM

LOL Danny we're messin' with ya. Sorta.

Skyway Scott 03-18-2008 12:18 AM

Definitely just messing around.
You and I both know the whole reason I ever even tried a loop at height was because you have been doing them awhile and then egging me on. The first time I saw you do one at Lassing I was totally floored.
I saw you do at least ten of them and waited at least 3 months until I even tried one. I waited until I saw you get close and also til I saw you wouldn't snap in half (I thought you would, to be honest). I then just mimicked you exactly.
That's not very hard to do.
It's pretty obvious who already "won" our 3 way bet, by simply being first :)

bryanleighty 03-18-2008 07:55 AM

Tom.. as i was driving away yesterday I saw you hit a really nice 15foot kiteloop.. looked awesome.. both you and Scott are getting these dialed in.. getting that nice horizontal slingshot ... and then getting the kite back up above you before you hit the water..

i'd say that even from doing small 3 to 4 foot kiteloops, the main element to not getting worked is to get that kite back up (or at least on its upward trajectory) before you hit the water. having a kite that is consistently powered thru the loops makes that so much easier..

Tom Stock 03-18-2008 08:56 AM

Thanks Bryan .. it's funny how different a kite loop can be.. you can do it late and come down like a butterfly on a daisy... or start doing it earlier and earlier until you find yourself grunting and getting whipped up as the kite loops. I had done these "megaloops" occasionally but not as often and aggressive as Scott has been doing them for fear of breaking gear ... he sort of got me fired up and I've been doing them a lot lately (and more aggressively than I had been doing in the past). I can tell it's going to get expensive though ... :D

Lots of fun but there is some risk of injury as they get more aggressive. I wouldn't recommend the aggressive ones unless you can afford a medical bill and the time missed from work.

I botched two of them yesterday and came down hard enough to bounce.

Scott enjoyed it... I could hear him laughing from shore hahaha.

inferno 03-18-2008 09:25 AM

tom were you both on 08 9m waroos?

Skyway Scott 03-18-2008 09:30 AM

We took turns on his kite. It wasn't really windy enough to do all that much.
It was about 18 to 20 by the time we did the loops back to back.
It was blowing pretty good about an hour later, that would have been better... oh well.
You need 25 plus, imo.

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