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C. Moore 05-07-2006 08:12 AM

F'ing thiefs
My car was broken into last night and they take two kites.

One was a 14m GK-Sonic and the other was a 10m RRD.

14m GK Sonic was Blue and Gray with my name and number on the bag.
10m RRD Type Wave was white and blue. The 5th line had been replaced with a 3m multi-colored chord.

I live in a gated community and theft around here is really low. I am removing all signs off my car that I kitesurf. I am sure I would have been less of a target if they were no stickers.


C. Moore 05-07-2006 08:13 AM

I just found out that 2 other cars were broken into as well. One of the cars is the PR person for the Tampa Police Department. I am sure we will have a fast response on these thefts.

JoshTaylor 05-07-2006 08:18 AM

That f'in sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear that.
wtf is with all of this?! one after another after another.

Skyway Scott 05-07-2006 08:34 AM


This is a fu$$ing nightmare. WTF is going on around here?!!!

Unreal and total bullsshitt. I hope they catch those punks a put them in jail, that simple. Why do these total LOSERS steal? And worse.. a kite? What exactly are they going to do with it... a##holes.


BigR 05-07-2006 08:35 AM

that really sucks Chris.

They should get what they deserve, chinese water torture for years

Skyway Scott 05-07-2006 08:38 AM

I edited it out.. but they should lose their hands for stealing that which is ZERO benefit to them and causes great pain/loss to another.
I get fired up when I hear this, cuz some losers stole ALL my shit when I first started and it is b.s. They benefit zero from it, is what really pisses off Chris, Bruce, Al, and every one else who has been ripped off. Its just senseless.

And the other kicker which is total BS, who are the nicest guys we got (all of us is actually the answer) and they get ripped off. Unreal.
Sorry Chris.

Optionryder420 05-07-2006 09:56 AM

Only way they're going to get caught is if you take initiative to do so. The police really won't do much about it, even though one of the guys is affiliated to the cops.

Check ALL websites for your kites, ikite, kiteforum, ikiteboarding, etc. Check local pawn shops, local surf shops, anything that would have any reason to buy/resell kites check them out. Make sure to keep an eye out, these people more then likely aren't going to go out to the beach and try riding them, but if they do, I advise all locals to keep an eye out for said kites and report any of the above kites being flown to the authorities immediatly. Whether it's theirs or not will be disputed with the police.

Most likely, your car insurance will cover the kites being stolen, so check that out too.

If the people that stole it, didn't wear gloves and already have a record, there's a chance they left fingerprints, but don't count on it. Only way you're going to get them is if they try to resell the items too soon.

This is a Grand Theft, Trespassing, and Breaking and Entering charge, so you think it'd be taken seriously with the police... truth is, it's not.

I'm assuming your car wasn't locked Chris, neither were the others that got "broken" into. Lock your cars up, get a GOOD alarm. Not some cheap ass one that just has a blinky red light that's meant to scare people away. Make sure it has frequency detectors (for glass break intrusions). And like you said, take the kiting stickers off. I'd highly advise against keeping anything worth money in your car while you're at work or asleep. And if you do, learn to be a light sleeper and be aware of the sounds people will make when your car/house will be broken into (IE: Light footsteps through grass, shuffling feet, loud whispers, etc).

Most of the time, people aren't going to break into your car if you don't make it worthwhile. If it's unlocked, someone is DEFINENTLY going to break into your car. If it's locked, your car will only be broken into if they SEE something worth breaking a window and risking an alarm going off. Putting stuff in your trunk or the bed of your truck is a big no no. Trunks tend to have an easily defeatable lock compared to your regular car doors (not VW though, I'm assuming this is a 2002+) and truck beds if even having a lock won't be alarmed and people know this.

Even bigger deterent for break ins, put it in the garage(close it's door though, leaving it open is an even greater invitation for theft). Nobody is going to risk breaking into your garage to get to your car.

Put some motion sensor lights in front of your house, not just a few, make it lightup the WHOLE front yard and even your neighbors house. BRIGHT lights, very bright, that'll stop someone right in their tracks for the most part... especially if there's a bedroom in the front of your house. Or, leave the TV on in your front room so people think you're still awake.

There are many things you can do to stop this simple crime from happening, but none are a definite answer.

Do NOT assume because you're in a low crime area that it won't happen to you, fact is, it's MORE likely to happen to you. People that have a feeling of security are always an easier target. They'll even go buy the biggest best alarm system for their car or house and NEVER arm it.

Danny may be able to help you out with this, but I'm going to recommend this to everyone.

PIR/Active IR/motion detector that sets off the sound of either a door opening and slamming, someone saying "What're you doing!", or turns on the lights and says something/makes a loud noise.

Danny, you're an electrical engineer, this couldn't be hard to do at all... wanna help us out?

Trust me, if I was walking up to a car to break-in and the lights all turned on and I heard a door open and close I'd run like hell... someone saying "What're you doing!?" would make me just shit my pants and run...

Eagle 05-07-2006 10:08 AM

Damn Chris that sucks. Hope you catch the low life.
I live in an area where there are quite a few break ins and thefts.
I make sure to leave nothing of value in the truck, and it’s parked within a few feet of my front door.
A sign on the door that reads “if you are found here illegally in the evening, you will be found here in the morning", works wonders to dissuade a would be thief and often the pizza delivery man.

Chris I’ve got an extra kite or 2 and a board you can use until you get a replacement.
Does your auto insurance cover stolen items? I wonder if there is a way to insure the gear for a reasonable amount of money.

C. Moore 05-07-2006 10:09 AM

I am glad I left my car unlocked last night. I would have had a broken window to repair and glass to clean up.

It appears the theifs struck around 1:30am.

I have talk to the police this morning and it appear they hit a unmarked police car too.

So much for thinking I live in a safe neighborhood. Time to start taking the proactive approach.

Tea Bag 05-07-2006 10:26 AM

Sucks when we pay through the nose to live in what should be a secure community. Still we have to be vigilant to protect ourselves and neighbors. You guys have a community neighborhood watch out there Chris? Sometimes that keeps the would-be no good bastages out of an area. My condolences as well. See you at Cypress this afternoon probably. There are still a lot of good guys still out there...just look at the replies to your post.

Keep the faith bro'.

C. Moore 05-07-2006 11:02 AM

I have contacted my home owners insurance policy to put in a claim. I still have a 18meter North Kite and my 13m Slingshot. Thanks for every one on offering their gear for me to borrow.

I am going to shopping for new gear today or tomorrow. :?

C. Moore 05-07-2006 01:10 PM

I just looked and noticed they took my harnesses too. I guess no riding today. Now I am depressed.

E-Bone 05-07-2006 01:18 PM

I have a large Tabu harness but it does not have a spreader bar on it. You can use it until your replacements show up, if you want to. You would just need a spreader bar.

Skyway Scott 05-07-2006 01:27 PM


I have the EXACT harness and am not using it. How does 50 bucks brand new sound, with Cabby spreader bar.

C. Moore 05-07-2006 03:23 PM

Thanks Scott. I will grab it from you when I return from Chicago.

Thanks Ebone for the offer.

C. Moore 05-07-2006 03:52 PM

Well I just bought a security cam for my house. I hope this goes well and I plan to install a few more for the community. I live in 73 house community that is basicaly a big loop. I am sure I can convince the other home owners to pitch in to buy a few more cammera's that can be monitored from our communities web site.


Optionryder420 05-07-2006 04:10 PM

300 bucs for a camera?!

Still more likely to stop that kinda stuff with a motion sensor light and possibly some type of audio with it.

Plus, they most likely won't be back.

C. Moore 05-07-2006 04:40 PM

Apparently we have been hit in our neighborhood several times and no one has said crap to any other neighbors. I go the cam off eBay Kevin for a lot less than you mentioned.

The cam has audio and I am planning on having motion sensor lights installed. I want to see what caused the lights to go off and if I get a face or a car then I consider it a good investment. :wink:


JoshTaylor 05-07-2006 04:45 PM

we have security cameras here at my house, we don't really tape much but everyone knows we have them so we haven't had anyone even attempt to steal anything from us

it was about $1,000 for the whole system (4 cameras a semi small tv and a vcr recorder) and it's been worth it.

Optionryder420 05-07-2006 06:29 PM

The key to not getting robbed though, is to not make yourself vulnerable.

If I see a house with cameras and alarm system, but then see a few grand in jewelry/electronics that're easy to grab in the window, I'd just put a mask on grab and run.

Just keep things out of sight, and you should be 90% secure.

Security is more show then actual help. You've just gotta hope it works when the guy that sees more reward then risk gives it a shot.

JoshTaylor 05-07-2006 06:32 PM

we shuold like leave some gear somewhere that people will try to steal it, and like keep a camera on it or watch it from a distance, once you see them, confront them.

Optionryder420 05-07-2006 06:32 PM

Double post:

Forgot to mention, everyone keep an eye out online for these kites. Even if they're from a different region you still need to be weary. Any of these kites on ikitesurf as of recently, Email and ask some questions. Ask what the serial # is on it, and see how they match up.

Email the companies you bought them from with the serial numbers.

Tea Bag 05-07-2006 08:32 PM

Let me know if you need help installing the lights. Be happy to do it for you as a favor. I only accept money from my boss for electrical work. It's a character flaw!

Danny D

toby wilson 05-08-2006 12:34 AM

That really sucks Chris! I'm really sorry to hear about your 'loss'... You are more than welcome to use ANY of my gear. You have helped me out A LOT and I'll do whatever it takes to help you out at a time like this, just say the word.

On another note, I just want to say that I think you handled the situation as good as anyone could in your situation, not much more could be done to prevent more incidents going forward and even though I am in a relatively safe neighborhood as well, I am thinking of possibly getting some cameras for my place too.

It is just a shame that such a nice guy had to suffer from some lazy bastard(s) who were too lazy to go out and work for a few bucks to buy themselves what they need in an honest manner. It takes a real weak person to steal when they are very capable of going out and earning an honest living...


Chris, give me a call, I'd like to help you out with some gear...

Skyway Scott 05-08-2006 06:36 AM

Chris.. don't let him sell ya' the 11m for more than a hundred :wink: (LMAO)

C. Moore 05-08-2006 11:06 AM

Here is some good news. My insurance called and said they would cover my kites. I talk to Darryl at Extreme Kites and he is giving me a nice deal on the new ION. I will get the 15 for now and see how I like it before I replace my high end kite.

Skyway Scott 05-08-2006 11:09 AM

NICE Chris!! Awesome news.

Now let's hope those guys get nailed and pay for their crimes. That'd be the best ending this unfortunate tale could have.

toby wilson 05-08-2006 12:35 PM

Yeah, that's GREAT news Chris, glad you are getting your kites back...what about your harness? I hope those bastards rot in jail!!!

Hey, by the way Scott, I heard you were in the market for a kite. Wanna buy a BEAUTIFUL 11M kite for ONLY $500.00??? :lol: :lol: :P :P

Skyway Scott 05-08-2006 02:29 PM

:shock: :P

E-Bone 05-08-2006 03:18 PM

Speak of the Ion, Chris, I just got the stock bar for the Ion today and it is nice. I am not sure what you are going to use to fly the Ion but this bar strikes me as being a winner. I'll let you know after I actually get to use it.

C. Moore 05-08-2006 04:09 PM

I got the Ion 15m kite with bar. The kite is sitting in Cali in customs right now from what Darryl said. He should be getting his kites by Friday and then he will ship it next day to me. :D

I decided to go with the Acid color. The Rasta colors I heard make the rider look weak. Just kidding ebone. I am sure the next line of ION's will have Uni-Corns palstered on them.

E-Bone 05-08-2006 05:21 PM

So will your Element the next time I see you.

No worries on the Rasta hazing, but watch out for Alex Fox. He hears you dissin' on Rasta like that, no telling what might happen.

Big G 05-08-2006 08:35 PM

Damn Chris,
Sorry to hear what happened! This is fricken bullshit! I have a photo of your 14m GK-Sonic with you riding. I will email to you when I get to my office in the morning and you can post if you would like. I'm not sure how to on this web forum. What about your boards? They didn't bother with them?

Let me know if you need any help with the D-lonks. I have 4 of them at my office through out the production facilitiy. I think you logged on to one of them onetime to see the production area. They also have a motion record with time stamp. Works Great! I also have a mobile wireless one that works with my laptop. I will start brininging it to the launch site and place on my dashboard to record whoever is in the parking lot while our we are riding and our cars are un-attended. I've been holding off on using this camera but I guess its necessary to protect our gear and other personel items.

Call me when you return home....lookin to ride at the end of this week. You may barrow whatever gear I have and of course, If I cant go yourself to whatever you may need.

Big G

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