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Stevil Kenevil 05-29-2006 09:22 AM

Hazards at North Skyway
Yesterday at the Backside of the Skyway, one of our local riders fell on the boat hull located about 100 yards offshore.The end result was a MAJOR GASH on his arm, resulting in a whole bunch of stitches. I know for fact that this guy has had plenty of lessons and is improving rapidly, but bad things happen to good people in this sport.Hope you heal quick buddy.....

The Skyway is probably the sketchiest spot in town to launch, but always seems to be filled with inexperienced pilots who probably have no clue as to the dangers that are out there. The trees, cars and people are right on the waters edge, so launch well offshore(100 yards) if youre still learning. Beware of the boat hull, which is marked with a crab trap buoy, it will kill you....
We should find a way to get rid of the rest of that thing. I dont want to see any more of my friends going to the hospital. Too bad the Unimog is gone, that would be the perfect tool to snatch that death trap out with(at low tide).We could try digging it up, but would take several people to drag it out. Any1 interested in helping in the next few weeks?

One more thing... Wear some booties. A cut on your foot wil also take you off the water for a few weeks.

toby wilson 05-29-2006 09:26 AM

I'm unemployed so I'm in anytime to help. I know I probably shouldn't even be riding there but am aware of the dangers, have been warned and ride there at my own risk as does everyone else who rides there or anywhere for that matter.

But to answer your question Stevil, I am down 100% for removing that piece of crap from our riding area no matter what it takes. I would also like to extend my condolences to the hurt rider and my wishes for a quick healing time so they can return to riding ASAP.

Skyway Scott 05-29-2006 09:40 AM

I'm unemployed as well. Count me in.
Toby, in my view, you are experienced enough not to get hurt yourself (low odds), but higher odds of losing a kite to a tree (just like me)

toby wilson 05-29-2006 09:56 AM

Already happened once as everyone knows...almost twice due to the crappy QR on the SS Surefire spreader bar...

E-Bone 05-29-2006 10:10 AM

Yeah, it would be a good thing to dig that sumbitch out, as a service to everyone, not just kiters.

Skyway Scott 05-29-2006 11:13 AM


That kid walking out there could have split his foot wide open just as easily.
Extreme low tide tonight.. after sunset. Not best timing to dig. :(

BigR 05-29-2006 11:38 AM

How about blowin' that thing outta da' water? Ya know fireworks goin' off 'an such

Be mighty hard to hear a little 'ole boat hull be'in blowed apart wit all dem firecrackers an sparklers dat on

Skyway Scott 05-29-2006 11:55 AM

I just gotta share :D

My very first job (out of college) was as a marine scientist with the Canaveral National Seashore. 13 years ago, this HUGE whale washed up on the beach about 10 miles from where they launch the rockets/shuttles. It was HUGE.

Well... it was in a "fairly" desolate area, but still, some people saw it that visited the area.

After about a month, you could smell it a mile away (literally).
We had access to whatever we wanted at that job, and I decided that the best solution was to blow it up! This was done a few times in California, so I figured WTF! How else you gonna get rid of it? You gonna carry out over your shoulder?

The rangers and everyone else (especially army corps of engineers) were very excited about this "project" (Boys and their toys. :P )

Well, we dug a tunnel underneath it (I almost puked, the smell was unreal) and put ALOT of C-4 "in the hole" (several actually spaced out)

Myself and two others then went up in a helicopter above the "beast"
The pilot INSISTED on staying close (approximately 80 feet above it and 80 feet to the side. He wanted to see it explode AND he insisted on "pushing the button" (all these guys were Viet Nam vets and VERY excited... as was I)

Well, when the button was pushed.. lemme tell ya'.. shit flew EVERYWHERE at heights we never imagined possible.

I wish I had that on film.

Yes, it still smelled horrible out there for about 3 weeks, but the process was sped up drastically by creating more surface area and dispersing the carcass. Man, it was FUN!

E-Bone 05-29-2006 12:10 PM

Hilarious story!

bryanleighty 05-30-2006 09:11 AM

I grew up 60 miles from this beach...


On a more serious note..

Dan and myself went out with Eagle and some other a month or two ago and got a lot of that boat out of the water. Whats left is buried very deep ...

couple options to help might be to get a few powerful jetskis out there at the right tide level and see if they blast the sand build up out of the hull and make it manageable to move... we had a few guys out there and couldnt even get it to budge. need to get it more exposed..

On a super low tide.. get about 5 guys out there and see if we could dig the damn thing out.. would take a while, but might be able to be accomplished.

In the VERY VERY least we need to go out there and put up a bunch more markers on it. The lone marker is apparently not enough. Its easy to miss .. I am aware of it being there and never jump in that area without first spotting it and ensuring I am clear..

Can we even consider asking for professional help removing it?

Skyway Scott 05-30-2006 09:33 AM

That was some funny shit and brought back some great memories.
Now you know why were WEREN'T on the ground.. but opted for the helicopter.

Man, that was the driest/but best humor I have heard in a while from a reporter. :shock:

I wish the video was better quality, but you could hear the pieces hitting the ground after the explosion. They are lucky no one got killed (I am serious)

That thing really blew (but didn't hold a candle to our C-4 explosion)

In terms of the boat metal, could we beat it into submission (fold it over) like at a car bash? or is the metal too strong?

bryanleighty 05-30-2006 09:46 AM

its metal... and covered with oysterbeds.. and buried in about 15 inches of sand....

its going to be a chore to get it out..

by hand.. probably if we get 5 to 10 guys out there with some very very strong shovels (we broke 3 on our last outting) ...

get out there on super low tide and just dig the thing out ...

if we could at least uncover it completely and get some chains around it .. we might be able to drag it out to the channel with a boat.

Skyway Scott 05-30-2006 09:59 AM

Is pounding it into submission (flat with surface) even possible?

bryanleighty 05-30-2006 10:03 AM

dont think so.. it would most likely resurface.. .. its a jagged mess of metal. it needs to be removed if possible..
and in the least, marked off.

what about putting in some plastic posts in the ground to mark it off?? dont know if that would just add another layer of hazzard... (huge air, backloop to plastic post in your back..ugh!)

toby wilson 05-30-2006 10:08 AM

I don't see why we couldn't contact the city or the marine police to see if they would help us remove it as well...

Big G 05-30-2006 10:35 AM

I dont ride out there but I would be willing to give a hand. I will bring my boat around to drag it off if it could be loosened from the muddy bottom.

Let me know if I can be of some help..

bryanleighty 05-30-2006 10:37 AM

absolutely worth a shot!

Skyway Scott 05-30-2006 10:39 AM


Sounds good. I hate to be negative, but... ever see the even BIGGER boat remains across the way? :?

Seriously, there are hazzards everywhere much more serious. They are required to make sure they are on the nav aids tho. (That way after you hit it, you can see where it was)

Optionryder420 05-30-2006 11:25 AM

Class 3 license.

toby wilson 05-30-2006 11:29 AM


Be our guest and go ahead and just blow it out of the water if it is that simple then...

Skyway Scott 05-30-2006 01:44 PM


Just RUN when done..

Optionryder420 05-30-2006 03:44 PM


E-Bone 05-30-2006 08:13 PM

I am just going to attach a dildo to the hull. The non-kiters that hang at backside will thus drag it into the mangroves and save us the trouble.

Skyway Scott 05-30-2006 08:22 PM

Sheer genius.

toby wilson 05-30-2006 08:37 PM

Lawyers...always thinking!!! Great idea E-Bone, I didn't know you had a dildo but you should probably get rid of it anyway!!! :P :lol: :shock:

Stevil Kenevil 05-31-2006 07:51 AM

I could build a section of vinly fence there, but thats just something else to run into before falling on the boat hull...
Seriously, we have to try and dig it out and pull it with something.Or try and cut it up with a sawzall.

bryanleighty 05-31-2006 08:07 AM

how about weekend of 24th and 25th of June.. check the tides.. head out there on the first low tide possible and see how much we can dig out..

Eagle brought out a canoe last time which was great for putting pieces we broke free ..

we just swam the canoe out to deepest part of the channel and flipped it.

the thing is covered with oysterbeds.. not sure if its legal to remove it from the water.. we just "relocated' it.

we need at least 5 or more guys with strong backs out there.

need to bring heavy duty shovels .. crowbars.. and BRING A FEW PAIRS OF GLOVES...


Skyway Scott 05-31-2006 08:15 AM

Zero worries on legality, IMO.

JoshTaylor 05-31-2006 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by toby wilson
Already happened once as everyone knows...almost twice due to the crappy QR on the SS Surefire spreader bar...

speaking of that....

that damn quick release caused my brand new switchblade (12m) to get shreded in corpus.

the spot the games were at was SKETCHY!!! jettys all down the beach like the ones on madiera beach, but they are longer and have more barnacles on them.

I was riding toeside and carved to healside and somehow accidentlly hit the QR on my ss spreader bar, and dropped the kite on a jetty. like 6 rips in the canopy, the leading edge and a strut blew out.

thank god it blew 20+ everyday i was there and had my 7 meter to ride :)

About the boat.

I'm in to help get it out.

but it's going to be freaking HARD! I was there when we got most of it out.

that thing is in deep and doesn't wana budge

Optionryder420 05-31-2006 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by JoshTaylor

Originally Posted by toby wilson
Already happened once as everyone knows...almost twice due to the crappy QR on the SS Surefire spreader bar...

speaking of that....

that damn quick release caused my brand new switchblade (12m) to get shreded in corpus.

the spot the games were at was SKETCHY!!! jettys all down the beach like the ones on madiera beach, but they are longer and have more barnacles on them.

I was riding toeside and carved to healside and somehow accidentlly hit the QR on my ss spreader bar, and dropped the kite on a jetty. like 6 rips in the canopy, the leading edge and a strut blew out.

thank god it blew 20+ everyday i was there and had my 7 meter to ride :)

Damn... How'd you do out there besides that?

And about the boat... when it's low tide, is it visible?

How big of a boom would we need?

JoshTaylor 05-31-2006 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Optionryder420

Originally Posted by JoshTaylor

Originally Posted by toby wilson
Already happened once as everyone knows...almost twice due to the crappy QR on the SS Surefire spreader bar...

speaking of that....

that damn quick release caused my brand new switchblade (12m) to get shreded in corpus.

the spot the games were at was SKETCHY!!! jettys all down the beach like the ones on madiera beach, but they are longer and have more barnacles on them.

I was riding toeside and carved to healside and somehow accidentlly hit the QR on my ss spreader bar, and dropped the kite on a jetty. like 6 rips in the canopy, the leading edge and a strut blew out.

thank god it blew 20+ everyday i was there and had my 7 meter to ride :)

Damn... How'd you do out there besides that?

And about the boat... when it's low tide, is it visible?

How big of a boom would we need?

I guess i did alright.

even tho i came last in my heat in the boarder cross

but in my heat i was racing Damien Leroy, Shawn Richman, and Eddy Hall. I almost beat eddy but i f*cked up on the last lap

shawn and damien left us behind lol

kiteloop contest was canceled because of no wind. :cry:

but i had an awesome time.

ripped off one of my calices doing a kiteloop OUCH
superglued it and went back out :)

EDIT: if you still want my 7 meter fuel, i've still got it for sale.

BigR 05-31-2006 10:51 AM

Should've used a regular spreader bar and the donkey dick, it never would've happened then

JoshTaylor 05-31-2006 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by BigR
Should've used a regular spreader bar and the donkey dick, it never would've happened then

yeah i know

Eagles giving me one.

i don't use anything to keep myself locked in, because i like to unhook alot.
so donkey dick wouldn't of helped.

Stevil Kenevil 05-31-2006 01:21 PM

A tractor would be the best to yank it out, but I dont have one.
I will bring a 14' Jon boat to put the pieces in.If we cant pull it, is there a chance of cutting it with a sawzall?(I havent gotten that close of a look at it) I could load my generator into the boat.
What about this weekend?

JoshTaylor 05-31-2006 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Stevil Kenevil
A tractor would be the best to yank it out, but I dont have one.
I will bring a 14' Jon boat to put the pieces in.If we cant pull it, is there a chance of cutting it with a sawzall?(I havent gotten that close of a look at it) I could load my generator into the boat.
What about this weekend?

eh, i'm sure it's possible.

but it's going to be a BITCH to get out of there no matter what.

tomstock 05-31-2006 01:51 PM

Re: Hazards at North Skyway

Originally Posted by Stevil Kenevil
The trees, cars and people are right on the waters edge, so launch well offshore(100 yards) if youre still learning.

It's probably better for newbies not to ride there at all until they have been riding for a year or so. They should have a good idea (based on a few bad experiences at safer spots) of what risks they are taking by doing so (boats, hazards, bridge, trees, etc).

Just my opinion, not trying to preach safety or anything... but big beach is where riders still learning should be riding in a west. It's big, it's safe, and there are no swimmers to deal with.

Optionryder420 05-31-2006 02:21 PM

Don't jump boat wakes out there either... some of those boats are fishing... it'd be bad news to get tangled in one of their lines and hooked!

Josh, I'm putting together an AR and had to pay insurance... money's pretty tight at the moment... I'll let you know when I've got the spare dough though.

Stevil Kenevil 05-31-2006 03:13 PM

I agree on the newbies not riding there, Tom.
Its gonna happen anyway.

Back to the boat hull..................

Who has long chains/straps/Etc.? (I have about 100')
Who can work on it this Sunday at 10:00 Am?

bryanleighty 05-31-2006 08:49 PM

I have plans to hit OWC this weekend.. otherwise I would say I'm in...
if that falls through (possible) I will be there..

following weekend is rest/GF time..

the next , next weekend I am driving to Hatteras for 4 days...

the weekend after tho.. no plans for me...

If you guys can pull that fu.cker outta there and I cant make it.. count me in a for buying rounds for everyone at the undertow (or bar of choice)..

and Tom is 100000000000% correct.

I was told to NOT kite there by my instructor and others on the web forum until I could kite upwind ... I didnt hit Skyway or Backside until i could go upwind with ease and I still consider backside to be a very unsafe area and only ride there because with these NW winds its the only close, flat water area... add that it FREAKIN STINKS there lately and its just fortifies that place as an area of last resort (hey.. gotta kite ya know..!)

i know that Victoria is out there lately and I know that everyone that is out there watches for her.. If someone can remind her again about the boat hull.. please do.. she seems to be very conscious about walking out a long ways and says far off the beach and away from the trees, etc.

But I guess if you are aware of your surroundings in any area and understand that you need to get the hell away from the small beach area .. you are doing the best you can for the conditions. most all the folks out there that are not going upwind consitently are doing this.

bayflite 05-31-2006 10:10 PM

i have access 2 a pontoon boat.
if we come about at high tide then wait4 low tide2 hit...load up and wait4 high tide
get gone.

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