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kent 12-07-2007 11:45 AM

Secondary Option for Sunday... just in case...
I just got off the phone with Neil. He is obviously very excited to get the Jup to Ft. L race off on Sunday. The forecast is bouncing around a bit in the northern area, but is staying consistent in the south portion.

As you know, he wil be making the final call for Jup to Ft. L tomorrow a.m. Indications are still looking good, but you never know. Given that the Sunday conditions look very good for Ft. L to Miami, if the JUP event does not go off as expected, Neil agreed that we can have the same type of start off Ft.L and race to Matheson in Miami. This would be a great opportunity for a tune up and pratice start. I know that tons of people are heading over for the Evolve party no matter what. If the JUP event does not go off, Neil suggested a start at Tiki Beach at 12 Sunday. This would allow you drinkers to party a bit longer at Evolve and still race!

If JUP to FTL doesn't go, this FTL to MIA would be totally unofficial and FREE! We would however need to abide by some rules to avoid having problems with life guards, etc. Each rider would absolutley have to stay out of the swim bouys. It is ok to ride near the beach in areas with no stands or buoys, but WITH OUT EXCPETION, no riding inside the buoys!!! As this is unofficial, you will not be kicked out, but BEATEN with in an inch of your miserable life.

The start would be as per the Jup proceedures and the finish would be between at matheson between the wreck and a mast with a large white flag flying from it. The flag would be 15 ft. south of the wreck. We can have times taken and keep track of unoffical results.

As a saftey precaution riders would be required to pick a "buddy". Ideally it is best if "buddy's" are of about the same speed. If your buddy doesn't finish... your buddy is missing!

So... stay posted for Neils updates, i understand that he will make the call tomorrow a.m. In any case, drive over anyway as there will be a race to somewhere.... the FTL to Matheson is a great run that takes you through Stilltsville. It is also very challenging as after cape florida you would be going dead down wind and likely riding on a different tack. it woudl be best to look at google earth for an indication of the track.


ricki 12-07-2007 01:48 PM

Thanks for the update Kent. Hope things come together for the Jupiter run. Failing that though, Plan B sounds good too. Having an attack of deja vu as we were talking about this very thing about a year ago for charity. You pointed out how the landmarks to Matheson from the south end of Key Biscayne when you make the turn can be a bit tricky. If Plan B, the Miami Run does go down (from Ft. Lauderdale NOT 87th St., N. Miami Beach), it would be good for folks to review the landmark photos in last year's charity downwinder post at:
Looks easy on the sat. image in reality it is less clear at water level.

ricki 12-07-2007 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by BigR (Post 26045)
a race from ft lauderdale to matheson would be a truly awesome event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!looks like the wind gods won't allow winds in jupiter, but, ft lauderdale and south is a good forecast!!!COASTAL WATERS FROM DEERFIELD BEACH TO OCEAN REEF, FL OUT 20 NM-WATERS FROM DEERFIELD BEACH TO OCEAN REEF, FL EXTENDING FROM 20 NMTO THE TERRITORIAL WATERS OF THE BAHAMAS-314 PM EST FRI DEC 7 2007SUNDAYEAST WINDS 10 TO 15 KNOTS BECOMING 15 TO 20 KNOTS IN THEAFTERNOON. SEAS 3 TO 5 FEET. INTRACOASTAL WATERS CHOPPY IN EXPOSEDAREAS. SLIGHT CHANCE OF SHOWERS.

We'll see what the morning brings. Pray for wind.

CrazyJay 12-07-2007 05:18 PM

What about a Ft Lauderdale to Islamorada run? I think its about 70-80 mile??? Winds should increase along the way hopefully. Has anyone made this run?

kent 12-07-2007 05:26 PM

I like the idea, but if anything goes wrong south of cape florida, you are totally out of luck. this would have to be very planned and even then problems can come up. I can assure you that 38 miles from Tiki Beach to Matheson would be taxing. th cool part is from South Beach to Math. you get to make some decisions during the last 8 miles. i did orgainze to have someone available to take the finishes if JUP doesn't run.


CrazyJay 12-07-2007 05:39 PM

Sounds good Kent.
So we ride the 38 miles in the morning. Take a lunch break, then cruise to the keys?

admin 12-07-2007 10:00 PM

Based upon what happened last year after the 60 mile race** I wouldn't wonder if Kent decided to press on further. He's been angling for 150 mile + plus race for sometime. Could be a big opportunity.


stacey 12-07-2007 11:36 PM

If Plan B happens, I still hope Plan A happens next time there's wind.

We've been looking into a Miami to Key West race on our end, and like Kent says, if something goes wrong, you're totally out of luck. There's that one big section where you should definitely have boat support, just in case, because you really would be screwed if something bad happens.

kitehigh911 12-08-2007 08:41 AM

is the race on?

admin 12-08-2007 09:07 AM

The latest update is up. Neil has covered the bases and options very well. We're officially on hold until the coming weekend for the big Jupiter Race. Plan B is still alive and more should be posted about this option soon.

kites4food 12-08-2007 10:53 AM

Plan B on TV
Hey guys,

If you run Plan B on Sunday afternoon, smile when you come through the finish line. Skybanditz is filming with the Travel Channel at Matheson tomorrow afternoon. They want lots of kiters there!


Spencer 12-08-2007 12:01 PM

What time is everyone meeting at tiki?

kent 12-08-2007 12:09 PM

OK. plan B is a go. We will have an unofficial riders meeting tonight at Evolve. In talking with Neil, he as agreed to give us a start at 12 from Tiki Beach.

I will have my boat at the unoffical finish line at Matheson. Riders will finish just to leeward of the boat. please give your name to the finish person and they will note your time. i will discuss details tonight.

The forecast looks good for 12 to 14 meter kites. start thinking about your buddy, this is important. refer to earlier in the post for specifics.

Lets get 50-60 riders. this will be tons of fun!


ricki 12-08-2007 01:46 PM

So, Plan B, a run just for fun is on for tomorrow. This is an own your own, no one else (except your buddy) is responsible, casual event. It is 38 miles well under 60 miles with lighter seas but it will still be challenging with some risks. Still getting over this damn cold so may have to sit this one out unfortunately. Kent is fairing better I hope.

Anyway, you'll be crossing two major channels including Port Everglades and the Port of Miami, several cuts and inlets winding up with a run west away from land and Key Biscayne, over 6 miles across open water to Matheson Hammock. You don't want to break down during the crossing, would be a long swim.

The tides for Port of Miami and sunset for Sunday appear below:

Low 1:27 AM 0.2 6:56 AM Rise 6:57 AM
High 8:13 AM 2.7 5:30 PM Set 5:21 PM
Low 1:55 PM 0.6
High 8:13 PM

At least it shouldn't be flooding into the inlets during the race.

Here is a post from last year dealing with a shorter downwinder:


Originally Posted by kent (Post 13659)
I'm in. We can race and / or ride. If it is a bit marginal, we can do surf boards and skims. This is a good chance for people to learn how to head off the wind. Learning basic things like down looping, etc., are essential for wave riding and racing. If you use a surf or directional board, this is a good chance to learn how to jibe the boards.
The west across Key Biscayne towards Matheson Hammock

The ride will be about 22 miles with about 16 of them being on port tack. We will go through fairly rough water to start and end in total butter. For those that have not kited at S. Ville, you are in for a treat. Due to the fact that this is informal and will be done with out support, I must caution riders that after they round the end of Cape Florida, they are on their own. If anything goes wrong, there are some shallow spots that you can stand on and of course the houses. At worst case, if your kite goes down in deep water and can not be relaunched, sit in your kite, but keep it totally inflated for visibility. Riders will also need to look out for submerged wrecks, trees, etc., that are all over the flats. It also makes sense to keep your eyes peeled for channel markers. They come up on you fast while going off the wind.

After rounding the Cape (you will see the light house), it is best to continue south for about 1/4 to 1/2 mile if the wind is out of the NE. This will help you to avoid the lee side and wind shadow of Key Biscayne. If it is sunny, you will see boats about 2 miles to the South. This is where we usually kite at S. Ville. I would recommend that if the wind is light, don't head that far down. It may be difficult to get to Matheson afterward.

If the wind is very light at S. Ville, you can assume that the 4 plus mile crossing from S. Ville will be even lighter. If you think that it is light at S. Ville already, you won't make it to Matheson and your best bet would be to beg a ride to the Marina from a boat.

If the wind is good, go for it, but keep your eyes peeled for boat traffic. It isn't heavy, but it only takes one. The best way to find Matheson is to do a line sight between the end of Cape Florida and the 3rd group of buildings heading south along the mainland from down town Miami. I have done the down winder many, many times and even in the dark, but I still get lost. If there are kites out, you will just barely see them. MAKE SURE TO ERROR TO THE RIGHT (NORHT), YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THE LANDING POINT TO THE SOUTH!

Everyone should pair up with a buddy. You can ride together (best option), our ride apart, but if your buddy doesn't show at the finish, we need to go look. In the worst case, I can get my boat and retrace the route, but only until Cape Florida. Before this, riders should be able to get back to the coast. Your last hopping off point will be Cape Florida and I suggest if your kite is getting limp... quit.

There are several other items to consider, but common sense and a buddy will take care of most of the issues that may arise. The ride can easily be done in 10 to 15 from the NE with larger kites and boards.


Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.



kent 12-09-2007 07:18 AM

it's on for a 12 start. winds are looking good for 12's and 14's. STAY OUT OF the SWIM BUOYS!!! Watch for debirs in the shallow water off of S-Ville. If you have a leak or any equipment problems, you must exit at Crandon or earlier because it is a 5-6 mile swim if not.

Keep a close eye out for boats when crossing Government Cut and the Cut South of FTL. NEVER Cross in front of a boat or ship, "even if you do have madd skills". Look for a white boat just east of the shallows of Matheson. The boat should be just in front of the Matheson wreck with the flag. Give your name to Paula on the boat and you can see how you did against GARRY "THE BODY" MENK.

Once at Matheson, please, please abide by the rules. Do not jump inside the line of white crab pot buoys. Never ride inside the red balls. If you do, we will find out where you ride and f'up your spot!!! ALSO... don't fly your kite in the damn parking lot IDIOT!!! I don't care even if you have madd skills or are a certified instructor from Hatteras. Oh yeah... just because you rode a week at Real 2 years ago doesn't even get you a hall pass. Be cool this is one of our last spots. Thanks. Everyone have a great time!

PICK AT BUDDY at the 11:30 riders meeting. you are responsible for yourself and your buddy.

ricki 12-10-2007 07:49 AM

Hey Kent,

Did Garry win the race? He was the first guy to make the beach at Matheson that I saw anyway. How was it?
Neil and Garry "The Body" hang out after the run. Neil came in shortly after Garry.
If Garry did come in first, it was quite an accomplishment. He decided to ditch his monoski after the start, recovering his homemade board shown to the right. Seeing how far away the pack is, he must have hauled ass.
Matheson on a light traffic day. (CLICK photo for larger image)

Hope to put together a video on "Plan B" soon!

oc xrated 12-10-2007 11:06 AM

Awesome Race Guys No Doubt. Hey Kent I Heard Only One Guy Lost His Binding? Like I Said That Will Be $5 Dollars In Ones. Sweet. Good Times, Cheers To All Who Came Out To Do The Downwinder.

admin 12-10-2007 02:21 PM

Hey Neil,

No one was real certain of who came in first and in what order. Garry thought Kent and Gebi beat him in. What happened??? Did Diana (sp) make it in? Guys stuck on the beach wanna know.

Just found another photo of the launch and just threw it in. I think we should race back next time, from the beach at Matheson Hammock, Grand Prix style. What do you think???

Garry 12-11-2007 09:45 AM

Race Results!
I just received the race reults. Here is how it went.
Leaving Ticki Beach at 12:52 pm....

1. Mike Gebhart 2:42pm - Cabrinha, Custom Board
2. Kent Marinkovic 2:42.20pm - Cabrinha, DC Custom Board
3. Garry Menk 2:46pm - Cabrinha, P-Shapes Custom Board
4. Todd Bagge 2:57pm - Cabrinha, Jimmy Lewis
5. Tom Dunfy 2:58pm - Cabrinha, 6'3" Strapless Surboard
6. Neil Hutchinson 3:00pm - Slingshot, Slingshot Directional
7. Tom Byrne 3:05pm - Cabrinha, Cabrinha Board
8. Ken Russell 3:05.30pm - Airush, Jimmy Lewis
9. Bill Benz 3:15pm ?
10. Rob Donavan 3:17pm ?
11. Melissa 3:23pm Eclipse, ?
12. Dan Floyd 3:46pm - Cabrinha, Custom Board
13. Diego Feminias 3:53pm - Cabrinha, Cabrinha Board
14. Red Cabrinha, Sorry I'll post name once I have it.. 4:03pm
DQ. Josh Noe-Equipment issues "broken board" - Cabrinha, Custom Directional
DQ. Alexandra "97th Ave" stuck with her buddy! - Cabrinha, F-One
DQ. Diana "97th Ave" still sore today! - Airrush, Best

I gotta say that was a fun run!! That was my first ocean ride on my custom P-Shapes Quad Board and it was sick. I was going to use the ski, but it was too aukward in that wind direction. Even though I started 3 to 4 minutes late, that board was the difference. Ken Russell started about 10 minutes after I went and also made up some serious time. Tom Dunfy did ther entire run on a 6'3" strapless surfboard! SICK! Gotta also give some props to Diego, he's only gone kiting about a dozen times! Diana and Alexandra went to 97th Ave. and took a break there for the day, but they also had a great time! Thanks to Neil and Kent for puting that together!

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