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LSUkiter 03-16-2008 05:22 PM

Vacation ideas?
So, I'm trying to plan a vacation with my girlfriend and want to go somewhere different this year. Been to Belize, Cozumel, Roatan, Aruba and Grand Cayman recently(actually on a cruise a little over a yr ago). We're having trouble deciding. Before I spend all of my hours at work searching for vacation destinations online, I thought I'd get some opinions here. It makes sense. As kiters, we're all outdoors-type people who like the water and beach and have similar interests, and most of you meet the demographic of people who have been or will be going on a good vacation. Plus, as we've seen from the posts, we are all very opinionated. We've actually even thought about going to a travel agent to get some ideas, but rather than waste my time with that, thought I'd try here first.
So here's the info. We're looking to go somewhere, probably Carribean between July and September(yes, hurricane season, leave the hurricane comments out of it). I would love to say that I'll be doing alot of kiting, but I'm not really that concerned if I get to kite or not, although it would be prefered. I figure I kite while I'm here, but don't get to dive as much as I'd like or used to; so if the lady friend gives me an ultimatum as to what gear I get to bring, it'd be dive gear first over kites.(but I'm vying for both). She likes to lay on the beach and snorkel. Obiously I'd prefer watersports and diving over laying around. And we both want to go on tours and all the typical vacation junk. She's 25 and I'm 30 , so we'll drink and go out a little, but not looking to get trashed at bars. Prefer not to be swamped by kids. I want to go to Costa Rica or Bonaire, but she's not feeling it. So far we've come up with Antigua. She's also brought up trying Sandals, which I'm not too amped on, but she's hypnotized by the commercials. I'm slightly afraid of the big all-inclusive resorts, mainly for the fear of the unknown, but I worry if their really worth the money. I tend to think probably not.
Sorry for the long post, but hopefully I'll get some good thoughts and ideas that I haven't had on my own yet. Thanks in advance for the responses.


Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 05:37 PM

That's not a long post. :)

I would take RickI's top 3 on this one and run with it.

Danimal8199 03-16-2008 06:10 PM


Remember this, its much easier to rent dive gear for a few dives than it is to rent kite gear. How many places do you know that rent kite gear?


Brian360 03-16-2008 06:58 PM


Have you been to Cabarete yet in the DR? Heard great reviews and know that alot of kiters go there for vacation. I'm going there late July for 2 weeks. Worth checking out.

Steve-O 03-16-2008 08:13 PM

I don't know about the Sandals thing. I have had some friends that have gone and had not good experiences. It feels like a cruise but on land. Big buffet style food, masses of people, not as private as they lead you to believe. Anyways, cruises aren't my style as I want to get away from people on vacation.

I have been to Costa and was one of the best trips I have had only second to Hawaii. I have never been that impressed with the Caribbean. I think it takes a big bank account to get the best that the Carib has to offer and I just don't have it.

I found some killer deals on off the beaten path type places in Hawaii that blew my mind. I paid less than $100 per night in Hawaii and had private cottages in tropical gardens in Maui, waterfront apt on the North shore of Oahu, and a killer bed and breakfast in Kauai. Eating out wasn't that bad, and there is so much to do there regarding watersports you will never get bored nor do you have to spend alot of dough. To this date was the best vacation I have ever had and to this date had the best value and bang for the buck. We went in the late spring before the summer rates kicked in. Hawaii can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. I saved all the info if you want it.

Costa was awesome and unreal value. Getting around is an adventure but that was half the fun. Tropical forests, river rafting, horse back riding, zip lines, hiking, fishing, surfing and killer wind on Lake Arenal. It howls there alot.....Gorge like conditions. Your dollar goes along way there, but it is a bit 3rd world. Be ready for an adventure.

Hawaii is more civilized but more expensive than Costa. Other than the airfare being a bit more, everything else was right in line with any other trip we have done. Case in point....just went to Park City in Utah and spent $100 a night for a Best Western in the mountains. It was fine, but it wasn't the cottage we got in Maui overlooking the ocean, nestled in a tropical garden, with pool and private jacuzzi. Yeah that place was $100 a night as well. Did I mention it was right down the road from Kite Beach and some of the best scenery and diving in the world. And I didn't have to pay $75.00 a day for a lift ticket. Snorkeling, kiting, a siteseeing were free. I still remember the best fish sandwich I ever ate with this slaw dripping all over it. $10 bucks.

With that said, I will be back many times before I leave this world.

Good luck!!!!

LSUkiter 03-16-2008 08:46 PM

Scott-What top 3?

Dan-I definitely agree with that. The other thing that I realized after the original post was that when I go diving, the girlfriend stays on land and does her own thing alone, but if I can find a nice, quiet beach to kite on, we'd be "spending time together" when I come back in for a rest, and therefore won't get in the doghouse ;)

Brian- I actually looked into Cabarete because I've read about it so many times in the mags. It gets my vote. It's remote, not packed, and you 're not going to have alot of other tourists up your butt. Plus, the best winds are during the times I'd be going. Unfotunately, it's still a little remote and too impoverished to be approved by the girlfriend. And that's the same reason Costa Rica's been shot down too. If it was just my vacation, I'd be happy in a hut on the beach with no AC, TV or electricity. With the gf in tow, it needs to be a little more "Carribean" and have some shopping. Gotta love compromise-why am I not married yet?:mrgreen:

Steve-O- Hawaii is definitley a great idea. We've wanted to go there for years, but after hearing other people talk about how expensive it is in the past, we never even looked into it. She perked up when I said Hawaii. If I could get an awesome Hawaiian vacation that's just a little more expensive than the trip to Antigua we've been thinking of, then I'd jump on it.
Your comment about Sandals being a land-based cruise is exactly how I thought of it in my head, but couldn't explain. I picture that bland, institutionalized food, to many people, and too much cost. We had fun on our cruise when we were off the ship, but hated the ship itself

Thanks for the help.

Steve-O 03-16-2008 09:24 PM

If your thinking Hawaii, let me know and I can give you some leads on places to stay. None of them were your typical resort, but they totally fit the bill beauty wise typically expected in the islands of Hawaii. Again, day to day expense was totally within reason compared to alot of other places I have been. The key is to start now and book early to get the best deals.


Skyway Scott 03-16-2008 10:10 PM

I assumed Rick would list some stuff. He dives, kites and has travelled a lot.

LSUkiter 03-16-2008 10:20 PM

Oh, I thought you meant he had a post on one of the area forums on here

LSUkiter 03-17-2008 12:29 PM

Steve-O I'd definitley like to know which islands you'd recommend and maybe the names of good places to stay

toby wilson 03-17-2008 01:23 PM

Hatteras. Don't bother paying for an expensive vaca (in comparison to Hawaii). Cheap and the best place to go...

Brian360 03-17-2008 06:03 PM

Truthfully, the best vacation is in our backyard. Tampa Bay, dw in The keys, St. Augustine, Miami, Panama City, and of course Hatteras :). Gotta love the value and scenery of our own local spots eventhough I still havent been to Matanzas Inlet or Jupiter.

Steve-O 03-17-2008 09:39 PM


Not trying to bicker here but think about Hatteras from a girls point of view that doesn't kite. Redneck Riviera ring a bell. He is trying to keep the girl happy and give himself some options as well. I completely understand where he is coming from. Doesn't the snorkeling suck in Hatteras? Call me an ass for saying this....but do you really read these post???

Hatteras is great....but my wife was be bored to tears....I took her there once....and she has no interest in going back. I think the highlight of her trip was the trip to the lighthouse.

Tell your girlfriend your thinking ya got her interest.....

I got tricks!!!!!

Steve-O 03-17-2008 10:02 PM

On to the subject at hand....

Been to Maui, Oahu, and Kauai.

Oahu was awesome once I got to the North Shore...but it is really designed for surfing....not kite count that out.

Maui has incredible snorkeling, diving, drives, sightseeing (Road to Hana), a volcano (got to do the bike ride down the mountain) and of course one of the birthplaces of kiteboarding.....Kite nukes there all my understanding a 9M is a big kite. Tons to do....your girlfriend will love it.

Kauai is the gem. For sheer beauty there is nothing like it on Earth IMO. You can spend days just driving and walking around and it doesn't get old.

If you only got a week, stay on one island.

Simply search cottages Maui or whatever island and you will find some killer places to stay. I would say you could get a good deal on a weekly rate.

I will try and dig up more info....sounds like you guys might be interested.

Lets PM from here on out or you can call me....would be happy to share what I can....727-542-8022


LSUkiter 03-18-2008 03:13 PM

Thanks everybody. I agree that Hatteras and places like the keys would be great, but Steve hit it right on the head. Gotta keep the lady happy. She's pretty easy going and understanding of my multiple hobbies, but if I don't make sure she's happy on our once a year vacation, she'll start to protest when we're back home and I want to kite, fly, or fish.
Steve-if when we finally decide where we're going and it's hawaii, I'll definitely PM you for some info. I appreciate the help. Right now we're between Hawaii and Barbados. Barbados is full of great stuff to do, and the people are awesome. We're hesitant on Hawaii ONLY because this year we can't go longer than 7 days and I know its like twelve hours of flying each way from here. Next year we'll both have 10 days off, so Hawaii may be a better idea next year, cause then we have extra days to offset the fying time.

toby wilson 03-18-2008 05:58 PM

Uh, all of the women in my family don't kite yet we have a family reunion there every year. You just need to look around and find things to do. The reason that probably didn't happen Steve-o is because you were so obsessed with kiting while you were there! ;) There are wild horsesin Corona, there is jockeys ridge, the wright brothers memorial & hang gliding lessons in the Kitty Hawk/Kill Devil Hills area, camping, several lighthouses to tour, Oregon Inlet if she would enjoy catching some Blue Marlin, Mahi-mahi, Tuna, etc on a charter boat for a day, you can visit the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, there is golf if she is a golfer, visiting Okrakoke Island via the ferry, there is great shopping, and as for diving,

That is just what I could think of off of the top of my head.

No, you won't be in the tropics but who would expect to be in Hatteras? If you are going there with the expectation of having a lei put around your neck when you step on the island then you are being unrealistic. My family has been going there for 35+ years instead of to the Caribbean for just that reason, because there is something for everyone to do and it never gets old. So to answer your question, yes I read the post. Just because someone likes to snorkel doesn't mean they will never vacation in Alaska, the reason people vacation in different places is so that they are able to experience new and different things... ;)

But if it is not for you and your wife then that is cool. If I was not mistaken, the title of this thread was "Vacation ideas?" and you were looking for IDEAS. That is all my first post was doing, throwing out an idea...


Originally Posted by Steve-O (Post 30663)

Not trying to bicker here but think about Hatteras from a girls point of view that doesn't kite. Redneck Riviera ring a bell. He is trying to keep the girl happy and give himself some options as well. I completely understand where he is coming from. Doesn't the snorkeling suck in Hatteras? Call me an ass for saying this....but do you really read these post???

Hatteras is great....but my wife was be bored to tears....I took her there once....and she has no interest in going back. I think the highlight of her trip was the trip to the lighthouse.

Tell your girlfriend your thinking ya got her interest.....

I got tricks!!!!!

LSUkiter 03-18-2008 07:20 PM

Thanks Toby. I definitely appreciate it. I'd love to go to Hatteras, as well as The Keys and the East Coast like Brian suggested. Im this situation, the Carribean locale as already been brought up, so if there's no island life involved in this one, I'm in trouble..
Our last vacation was hiking in the Smokies, a world away from the Carribean or kiting. But I liked it a little more than her. So this year as a compromise definitely has to be a little more about what she wants. You know how it is; you gotta compromise on the small stuff now and then to keep em happy so they keep you happy. :p
I really appreciate all suggestions. PS- it wouldn't be a forum post with out some differing opinions

toby wilson 03-19-2008 02:40 AM

Yeah bro, I had just posted and not been back on the forum yet. But when I'm accused of ignorance by someone who supposedly is sick of getting forum fu**ed, it struck a nerve as the attack was unprovoked and I was surprised by it. I can take a joke with the best of them but blatant insults where the person is admitting to being an @$$ are another story. Not cool.

So I was just defending my post and completely respect your preference my friend. Have fun!

Steve-O 03-19-2008 05:44 AM


If that was considered at attack Toby, then I have been murdered many times over and I am back from the dead.

I am sorry you took my tone so personally. It wasn't meant to come across like that.

Life's too short man. Let's move on.

Don't do Hawaii if you only got 7 days.

CodyKeats 03-19-2008 08:42 AM

Actually, the wild horses are located in Corolla (a/k/a Corolla Light), but there is kind of a pleasing poetic symbolism to "wild horses in Corona."

For the record, I'm with Toby....Hatteras is the best.....been there 5 times since July. Can't beat the open spaces, the wind and, of course, the Pub Ponies.... :cool:

toby wilson 03-19-2008 04:46 PM

It's all good. Peace dude. :)

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