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GoodBreezeKiteboarding 02-03-2011 04:59 PM

Cocoa Beach Downwind Poker Run, Kite Swap and Rider's Party
Good Breeze Kiteboarding and UCF Knight Kiteboarding will be hosting a Downwind Poker Run, Kiteswap and Rider's Party on February 19th in Cocoa Beach Florida. ANYONE CAN ENTER!!

The Downwind Poker Run:

This will work as follows: Riders will "Ante Up" ten dollars by NOON on Saturday. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE UCF KNIGHT KITEBOARDING CLUB. The first playing card will be given at this time. The next card will be given at the start of ...the run. Since this is not a race, we will break people into groups of about 5 or 10 (depending on the location) so there are no tangles. There will be one stop along the way where the rider will be given another card. The next card will be given at the ending location where transportation back will waiting. A support boat will be following for runs in the Banana River. The last and final card will be given to riders at the shop (located at 150 E. Columbia Lane Cocoa Beach, FL 32931) at 6:30pm. The top 3 hands will be awarded prizes.

Prizes are still being collected and the list will be updated. So far they will consist of things such as: GoPro Helmet Hero Wide, Ron Jon Gift Certificates, Custom Transcend Jerseys, Sandbar Gift Certificates, Sandbags, T-Shirts, Stickers, Bar Bags, Koozies, Replacement Valves and more!!

The event site will be determined when the wind direction is known but all locations are within about 5 minutes of each other. I will upload maps of the routes as the event gets closer

For a N, NNE, E winds...riders will be leaving from the 520 Slick stopping at Bird Island and ending at the Pineda Causeway.

Spot info:

For any SE, S, NE winds...the event will be in ocean. For northerly onshores/sideshores, the starting point will be Cherie Down Park with a stop by Sheppard Park and the end point will be around Coconuts Bar and Grill. The opposite for any southerly onshores/sideshores.

For any West Wind...the event will be at Manatee park. We will start from the park with an upwind tack to the sandbar area and a card will be given at "The Cove". Then a downwind run back to the park.


After the Poker Run, we will meet back at the shop and hand out the prizes. Everyone is encouraged to bring all the gear they would like to sell or trade. This is meant for riders to work among themselves. Plan on buying, trading or selling your used equipment! Bust out those dusty boards or start upgrading your kite!

Rider's Party:

Around 8-9pm we will head to the Sandbar Sports Bar and Grill right across the street from the shop. We are promised Drink Specials and a Band! Specials will be posted soon. They also have a full menu with amazing fish tacos till midnight! We will have kite movies playing.

If there is NO WIND...We will still do a shorter poker run at the 520 Slick with WHATEVER VESSEL/CRAFT/APPARATUS you can think of. Creativity will be awarded! Come Support the UCF Kite Club!!

We should have Kicker out for everyone to play around with as well!

Billy Bosch

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