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Uncharted Kiter 10-28-2016 12:02 PM

Cuba with Youri Zoon
1 Attachment(s)
Uncharted Kite Sessions is breaking new ground this fall and heading to the once unreachable Cuban coastline this November 2016 with world ranked #2 and two time world champion Youri Zoon for an epic six day kite camp adventure.

We explore the best of Cuban kite surfing on this kite adventure by setting up camp in Cayo Guillermo. Located on the north east coast of Cuba, Cayo Guillermo sits at the end of a long peninsula which projects deep into the Atlantic Ocean. This perched setting gives Cayo Guillermo access to the best trade winds on the island. The spot is perfect clear flat water that is ankle to chest deep making it the perfect spot to perfect all the skills you’ve being dreaming of mastering.

As always Uncharted Kite Sessions will be accompanied by EyeFly Films who will provide slow motion footage for our video coaching program, as well as for personal photos & videos. EyeFly has proven to produce excellent coaching tools as well as fantastic personal videos to keep those memories alive forever.

Everything is included in this Cuban expedition from when you arrive in Cayo Guillermo, until we part ways at the end of the camp one week later. This is your chance to experience the real Cuba before its newly opened boarders are westernized like all the last bastions of unique life on this planet.

Cuba in November provides fantastic kite conditions daily, and the temperature is always perfect board shorts weather. With only 8 spots available, this camp will sell out quickly. Don’t miss out. Youri is riding at his top level right now on the world tour, innovating like no other rider. In Cuba he will be your personal coach there to teach you what you need to know. Be sure to book your seat today and reserve your spot to live, ride and learn from Youri Zoon, one of the best kite boarders in the world today.

For more information please visit:

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