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xlkites 02-27-2007 11:47 AM

Flexifoil Demo
Hey Kiteboarders!

Flexifoil Demo is coming to Fort Walton Beach.

Event will take place on Saturday March 3rd

Here is the Schedule:

Morning-We will meet around 10am at the xlkites shop at 42 Miracle Strip Parkway in Fort Walton Beach before heading to the beach.

Afternoon-Demo the 07 Flexifoil Kites and Boards.

4:00-Downwinder and Kite race

6:00-Gulf Coast kiteboarders Association BBQ at the xlkites shop at 42 Miracle Strip Parkway in Fort Walton Beach.

If there is no wind on Saturday, then demo will take place on Sunday morning @ 9:00am

For more information about the gear and events go to

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