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-   -   Slingshot Stimulus Package ( 05-06-2009 04:44 PM

Slingshot Stimulus Package
1 Attachment(s)
Slingshot has done it again! We're able to offer a kiteboarding package that is truly the best in value, performance, and quality. For under $1200, you can get brand new equipment. The Slingshot Ignition is hot off the press, not an older model. Alone, the Ignition Kiteboard retails for $600. The Turbo3 kite is a leader in bow kite technology. And the Slingshot bar system, has always been a step above the rest. They've only produced a limited number of boards so this package will go fast. Not only is it a great opportunity for beginners looking to get into the sport inexpensively, but all the gear is performance oriented so even intermediate and advanced riders can take advantage of it.

The Ignition board comes in a 138cm and 144cm only.

5m Turbo3 with bar and Ignition board-$999
7m Turbo3 with bar and Ignition board-$1069
9m Turbo3 with bar and Ignition board-$1099
11m Turbo3 with bar and Ignition board-$1169
14m Turbo3 with bar and Ignition board-$1199

To make it a true package, you can add on a NEW 2009 Dakine Renegade waist harness for an additional $125 (complete with spreader bar & spreader bar pad). Normally $160 complete, the Renegade is one of the most minimal, body conforming, comfortable waist harnesses on the market. The back is pre-curved to fit into the small of your back like a glove. We're big fans of it!

Jason Clack 206 372 5268
Seattle Kiteboarding Center LLC.
Motion Boardshop
17230 Bothell Way NE
Seattle, WA 98155
Located in Lake Forest Park, Just off the Burke- Gilman

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