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Old 10-17-2006, 08:59 AM
Posts: n/a

I think Shawn's 5 rules are enough, even though a lot of people will argue the unhooked launching rule (yeah, I know Shawn, that rule is big in OBX because of what happened there on a hooked launch several years ago, I think to J.T.). Keep it simple. We've been over and over the pros and cons of getting the government entangled in this before and I remain opposed to it.

Self-regulation is the key. There is a big local scene here and it seems like whenever it is windy there are 10+ people around that I know. When a beginner or a visitor from out of town starts to do kooky shit at one of our few spots, we need to talk to that person and let him or her know that the conduct is not acceptable. If it continues despite all heroic efforts, get some back-up and cut their lines. If we stick together as a group on this, it should work.

I think that self-regulation can be hard to do because people typically don't like confrontation. It's easier to pass the buck and ask somebody else to regulate our conduct when a few of us are stepping out of line. It takes some bravery and conviction to tell another kiter that he or she is making bad decisions that are bad for all of us.

Cutting someone's lines is a drastic remedy and should not be done without some serious thought and unless all other approaches fail. Still, it is what it is. You take a drunk's car keys away. You take a punk's kite lines away. The old schoolers have been using this method in severe situations for years and it is a kiteboarding custom to deal with kookiness that way. A noob hitting someone with a 15m kite is enough, in my mind, particularly with having an attitude afterward, to merit at least a threat of same should the noob refuse to pack it up.

Finally, let me note that the persons that I perceive to be dangerous to our access are typically beginning kiters who don't know any better, visitors from out of town who don't care about access here, or a combination of both. The beginners will likely want to fit in around here and earn their spots in the lineup, and it is in our interest to help them to become solid members of the local scene. The visitors from out of town who are reckless because of apathy to our scene will likely be hesitant to take on 15 local kiters. Either way, peer pressure (the good kind) should work wonders.
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