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Old 10-27-2006, 08:31 AM
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Additional details follow.

The accident involved a 33 year old male, 1.8 m in height and 120 kg. in weight (5' 11" and 264 lbs.). The man was potentially overweight but was not noted to become out of breath easily with exercise. The victim reportedly had a cold a few days before but was not apparently demonstrating obvious symptoms on the day of the accident. Neither the man nor his family apparently have a history of heart problems.

The side to side shore wind conditions were averaging 20 to 25 kts. gusting in sudden bursts to perhaps around 35 kts. with lulls to around 20 kts.. The air temperature was about 25 C and the water temperature was perhaps around 15 C (77 F and 59 F). The victim was in a full wetsuit of unknown thickness. The rider was in waist deep water with seas in that area at around 3 ft. He had taken a few lessons in another city and was working on learning to water start on his board the day of the accident. He was flying a 12 m Turbodiesel flat kite.

A view upwind to the southeast towards the Sir Lowry's Pass mountains.

These mountains are about 1100 m above sea level (ASL), in the higher areas. SE winds would be blowing over the lower mountain area to the north, probably between 700 - 900 m ASL. These mountains can create violent gusts and lulls particularly further to the east along The Strand in easterly winds.

The rider had moved about 700 m (2300 ft.) downwind working on waterstarting. The kite fell to the water at one point and upon relaunching proceeded to loop, hit the water and loop again pulling the rider along probably at a high rate of speed. This process continued over a distance of approximately 1200 m (about 4000 ft.) and 200 m (660 ft.) up the beach at which point apparently the leading edge bladder of the kite ruptured stopping the flight of the kite. Two of the end panels of the kite were ripped out on one side of the kite.

The path of the accident

The rider may have activated his quick release in this process but due to a line tangle this may have made matters worse. He did not release his leash attachment and set the kite free.

The kite control bar was found with one of the flat kites leader lines captured by the bypass leash snap clip. This might initiate a turn in the kite which would be maintained until either the kite was released completely or failed to continue to fly. The kite would loop repeatedly in a violent fashion, pulling the kiter through the water as the kite looped up or perhaps even above the water in high speed bursts.

Upon activating the quick release, the kite apparently would have been steered into a radical turn by the uneven lengths of the flight lines.

When other kiters arrived at the scene the rider was unconscious and not breathing. First aid was performed with no response. The post mortem concluded death was caused by a heart attack. Water was reportedly not found in the lungs and drowning was ruled out.
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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