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Old 12-14-2006, 10:58 AM
kent kent is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 430

After reading Neil's post about a few results being a bit off, I thought that I would give Billy Blackman some props.

I had a pretty bad start of about 4 or 5 minutes after the horn and therefore was having to play catch up and push it fairly hard. About 7 miles into the race, I had pasted 5 or 6 riders and was feeling pretty good about my speed and being able to catch the leaders... when all of the sudden...

I look over my right shoulder and a kite came smoking by me to leeward at mach speed. I was like, "who the hell was that". It was Billy Blackman absolutely going turbo. I was doing about 27 mph (on the GPS that I eventually lost), but I bet Billy was doing well over 30 mph blasting by me. It was mentally crushing to be past by anyone going wizzng by that fast. A short while later I did see him trip on a wave, and I was able to eeeek past him, but this guy was rocking. After seeing his speed in the rough water, I wouldn't want to draw him in a boarder cross heat.

Good job Billy B.!
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