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Old 01-16-2007, 11:24 AM
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In my case it was actually a snow skiing accident, that happened on Delray Beach?! I had just returned from some time in the mountains and probably was pretty tight in the calves (that is legs, not little cows). I had a nice powered session with no problems on the water. I went to solo land a different type of flat kite for the first time. My normal hold fasts for the chicken loop wouldn't work. So, I buried my board and attached my chicken loop to it. Problem is, the loop pulled away. So, I sprinted off after the kite at full speed in soft yielding sand and felt and heard a pop and then the familiar pain. Damn, just messed up the gastroc in the other calf I thought. It may not be as bad as that or require the 1 1/2 year to heal as before, still it does make you walk funny. Warmups are good, even if the time they seem to take hurts, hindsight, sigh.

Last edited by ricki; 01-16-2007 at 02:13 PM.
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