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Old 03-20-2007, 07:28 AM
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shogun1204 shogun1204 is offline
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Default Ranger

Yup, I talk to the Ranger and he said it was cool to ride in the lagoon. I was shocked, I asked him again and pointed to the area I was talking about to make sure. I have heard conflicting information about the lagoon. I have heard guys said you can ride in there, and some say you can not thats why I wanted to ask. LOL That Ranger must not of known of the Bird Watchers, or was just new I am guessing.. Yeah lets not piss the Bird Watcher group off. Bird Watchers tend to be organized and can get us ban.

He also did say that he was not to happy about people riding in the swim area. I always walk way up the beach to stay away from the swim area, plus the current is not as strong up there.

I am with you Scott, lets do some downwinders to the Tow. You just have to promise me to crash a lot when we get to the Tow to make me look better since I fall in that "under 40 and single category!" LOL
"Stop living for someone else, and start living your own life! It's amazing how things work out perfect."

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