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Old 03-21-2007, 01:50 AM
Ron Ron is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Ramrod Key, Florida
Posts: 8


This has nothing to do with airframes, but kiting in the sandstorms here in Kuwait is a blast. In the summer, the best winds in Kuwait (The Al-Baraweh Shamals) are often accompanied by sandstorms.

One of my most memorable sessions was in a sandstorm that limited visbility so much that the local fisherman dropped anchor on their Dhows (traditional arab boats) because visibility was limited to about 50 meters. It can be a bit unerving to be out to sea on a kite with that kind of limited visbility.

Fortunetely, there isn't much traffic on the water during sandstorms. The potential for problems is actually much higher in Kuwait, on certain beaches, when the weather is clear, as there are more pleasure craft on the water and people on the beach. In the sandstorms, there are usually only one or two kook kiters out
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