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Old 05-07-2007, 11:57 AM
Lori Lori is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 21

Bryan I am glad you are OK.

That freeked me out enough not to put up my kite this morning and go to work!

I have to admit I froze when seeing the kite hit the water for nanoseconds and then relaunch, then think you were OK cuz kite was in air (did not know your bar was broken) and then do kiteloops and crash and repeat. How do you even go and grap someones kite without making the situation worse. As you said approaching from the downwind side is probably the way to go but still hard to judge where it is going to land to grap before it relaunches without you being on the wrong side of that. So it was not an easy can you catch my kite situation. But next time I would run downwind and try to grap it. I barely was able to grap Rauls kite on the sand before it relauched and it was not looping that is how windy it was.

I was actually more concerned for the cars on the skyway then the kite as I am sure you where at first as well as the kite appeared to go over the first set of trees. But I saw no change in trafick flow so figure it had been caught somewhere you were OK and no accidents on the bridge so I thought it was a very good ending. But if you ever need help getting a kite down just ask for help unfortuntely today it was not clear how to help you out there today so I think everybody was a bit frozen with the looping kite going over the trees.
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