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Old 05-07-2007, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by bryanleighty View Post
I guess after a really good scare my emotions were a bit outta whack so i got a little pissy. hehehe..
I've done the same thing. Glad to hear you did not sustain a major injury.

That is the interesting thing about gear failure in heavy wind--even if the gear is new and has a lot of safety features, if something breaks in heavy wind, the odds are that the shit will hit the fan.

Bryan, you've been kiting for a few years now, but it sounds like you traveled back in time with an old school kitemare. Welcome to the year 2000 or 2001. This is how it used to feel to kite back then, except this kind of crap happened much more often during those medieval times, even when the damn gear didn't break.
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