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Old 06-02-2007, 08:07 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: West Palm Beach
Posts: 20
Default Launching & Landing

Thanks for the story Rick. I just want to mention one more thing. I have seen over and over again Experienced kiters Launching & Landing towards the Parking lot or Beach. No matter how much room you do or do not have it is always a good idea to land or Launch OVER the Water/ Why is that i see Kiters coming in and Landing with the kite facing west. There are always two sides to the edge of the window. I always walk up and lay the kite down at the edge over the WATER . The same goes true for launching..I have seen experienced Kiters asking for a launch and standing in the water with the kite at the edge facing land. Go to the other edge and launch over the water that way if anything goes wrong you might have some extra time to recover or punch out.

Ride on....Jeff
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