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Old 08-21-2007, 10:48 AM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: St. Petersburg, FL
Posts: 1,359

jesus christ some of you take this a bit too personal.


fact is there a tons of new riders.. and some of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of us seasoned riders to be on the look out and make the call to talk to them.

we all know the skyway is a shithole for learning and yesterdays accident has been brewing for a long while.. maybe seeing a guy carried out on a stretcher will smack some much needed reality into the minds of the others trying to push themselves into the sport.

maybe we should hire a quadriplegic to sit on the beach in a wheelchair with a big fat sign reading "look what kiteboarding without lessons did for me!"

Seriously tho.. this back and forth pre-school bickering is ridiculous and needs to stop. Its pathetic.

when i am on the beach, I promise to do my best to keep an eye out for those that need help. I will do all i can to stop potential accidents from happening.. its the best I can to assist with the problem.

when i am not on the beach i hope that others will make the same promise and be as professional with the folks they are trying to help as possible.

No one can do more than that except beyond banning the sport in certain areas.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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