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Old 08-22-2007, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by amber View Post
However, i think the reverse colors would be better like a traffic light. If you see a red rider you should watch out and look both ways. A yellow...stay a safe distance and use caution but not a hazard. Green bands mean you can sail thru being confident that the green rider is a competent and safe rider.

The part about the downwinder makes sense but i don't think most of our safety issues exist with downwinders. its with crowded launches with hazards. these would only need to be posted at the major launches in the area. (EB,skyway,lassing,PAG? etc)

The tags on the board would identify the rider and the kite they were flying. When you arrive, you walk (don't need to be every 300 feet) to the board, check in and see people's info. and add your own. When you come in to take a break (every couple hours or so) you take another look at the board if you notice a lot of different/new kiters on the water since you started.

Another feature that we used at the harbor i worked at in the keys was to write weather forecasts for that day and possibly the next. Just like in boating, if its windy, they put out small craft advisories. If it is gusty and possibly hazardous wind, we can point that out on the boards so that when people arrive they have suggestions. such as "very gusty, onshore wind...not recommended for green riders".

Just throwing out thoughts as well...
Good ideas, but maybe a bit too hopeful at this point. We are struggling to even get people to park in the right place.

I understand the board idea... I've used it while racing r/c cars, kart racing, r/c flying events, etc.

But, when you look at the board and it says "Mike, beginner, green waroo" and you look out on the beach and see 15 green waroos, it's not very helpful.

On the water, forget it. Half the time I can't even remember the names and faces of people I've met a dozen times already, much less Mike on a green waroo, or the 30 other people who are on the board I can't read from the water.

In kart racing, a beginner usually has a white X on the back of his helmet. This tells other drivers to avoid him like the plague and give him plenty of space while passing.

It seems to me the arm bands are probably the easiest solution so far. You can almost always see a rider's wrists... even while they are body dragging.

But, since we won't know who the beginners are going to be, the only way we can do it is to wear one if we are NOT a beginner.

If you're not wearing a band, you're either a beginner, not a local, or just not familiar with how things are being done now and someone should walk up and ask you some questions and give you a band if you need one.

It's like the "hey, u guys know me and know I can ride" club... either you're in it, or you are not.

If Stevil wants to do a skills checkout for beginners before they get a band, that's fine with me.....

Hell I'll be the first one to wear the band too, I don't care. I'll sleep with it on
if I need to remember to wear it.

We'll need one in rainbow for E-Bone.
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