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Old 08-28-2007, 09:27 AM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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Location: St. Petersburg, FL
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again, I think these are all valid points.. cool that everyone is throwing ideas and scenarios into the pot. Its a complicated matter, no doubt, with tons of possible answers.. but the fact is that if we dont self regulate now, someone will do it for us.

take a look at this and tell me you'd like to have to abide by this crap:

Its about developing safe habits from the very beginning and *hoping* those stick.

Sign should be as simple and thorough:

I think there are 3 major points..

1. launch area clear
2. landing and launching kites safely
3. riding safely

something like....(Please edit/add/delete as you feel necessary..)

Keep Launch Areas Clear -
--Park away from beach
--Keep Bar and Lines wrapped on all beached kites

Launch and Land Kites Safely -
--Assist incoming riders land their kites
--Give right-of-way to incoming riders
--Only allow experienced riders launch kites
--Launch and clear the beach as quickly as possible
--Keep a safe distance from the beach on incoming tacks

Ride Safely -
--Helmet and flotation devices recommended for all riders
--Always give right of way to other riders
--Do not perform stunts near the beach line
Your mother flies a C-kite.

Area Launches:
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