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Old 09-11-2007, 01:45 PM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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Location: St. Petersburg, FL
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my initial post about the tags was mostly to ID a rider as being an instructor/helper. someone that was basically offering themselves up to be asked questions and be someone that any new rider to approach. when i started i knew no one.. my learning curve suffered. the instructor that taught me was not the st. pete local that he made himself out to be. i expected to see him on the beach so he could give me some pointers.. but that never happened. i finally met some other riders and my riding improved imensely.. if i had known who to ask for advice earlier it might have made a HUGE difference in my learning days...

The whold tag-thing got more detailed with the different colors.. and i understand how it could turn into a kite-cop scenario.. would go against everything I intended.. but it could be an unfortunate easy transition..

a sign is a great idea if people read it and do their best to understand why its there... if its just looked at and not read or not understood then its just a waste of a piece of plastic.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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