Thread: Crandon Park
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Old 09-12-2007, 11:28 AM
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This just in from Christophe:

The park is currently working on installing signage and buoys to set the boundaries and rules of the kitesurfing designated area in Crandon North beach.

Re-opening for kitesurfers will definetly happen and is scheduled in the next couple of weeks.

As you may already know, the access to Crandon park will be strictly limited to 25 advanced kitesurfers at a time , with an IKO or PASA card level 3 ( independant riders staying upwind CONSITENTLY- know the self rescue procedures- know the righ-a-way rules , and can kite among multiple kites around)
For those who already have then IKO level 3 card, You can purchase the kitesurfing insurance instantly online at :

Riders who do not have the IKO card level 3 yet will be able to obtain it on the beach after a quick check up with MKB instrcutors.
PASA card holder will obtain the IKO equivalency card on the beach as well upon presentation of their current PASA card.
Immediates Insurances policies will be available on the beach too.

DO NOT CALL THE PARK OFFICES INDIVIDUALLY TO ASK FOR RE-OPENING DATES AS THEY ARE BUSY ENOUGH WITH DAILY TASK ALREADY . The informed us that they will officially spread the info through this kiteforum, once the dates are set officially.

Anyway, the wind is not picking up good before October usually. and it's a matter of week or 2 .
Matheson park is still open for now, just be very careful with other kiters when launching / landing , and go offshore right away to open up the spaces as it's kinda of congested on windy days since it's the only access so far.
As well as Miami beach wherever there is NO LIFEGUARDS , but always stay far clear from swim Zones !

see u on the water.
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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