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Old 12-14-2007, 05:23 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

It's easy to push when you are being pulled.
The QR is at a fixed distance from you (just above your waist, with a seat harness). You just reach down, grab and push out with all your might.
In theory, it shouldn't take all your might, but I would overkill it, just in case.

You should convince Dimitri to test his QR's here.
We could tie people's kite line to my truck and I will gun it.
They will be blindfolded and start out in the water, but only 50 yards away from shore.
Those who reach the QR and release in time will be okay.
Those that can't will be drug through a mud pit we create. It'd make for some pretty fun testing

I don't think anyone is picking on Eclipse. I was just wanting to have some open conversation. I know RickI and some others are interested in the idea of improving QRs. I was basically saying how it's amazing how QRs (some anyway) haven't improved all that much in a while. I don't recall Tom going ballistic, either. He just entered the conversation.

Anyway, I am not the best kiter around (by far) but because of my WATER TIME (bite me, Real) I have been dragged around, thrown into land rovers, drug hundreds of yards down beaches, had ACL surgeries, had QR failures, and seen winds go from 15 to 40 more than most. I have also seen too many people take ambulance rides.
I am therefore very aware of the dangers we encounter (even if rare) when we ride, just from seeing them or being involved in them, myself.
They suck. Some of them, I am confident, would have been avoided with good QRs.
I would just like to see a better, more easy to reach and trigger QR out there. It won't guarantee our safety and may not be the first thing that many reach for or be the first action that many take to get out of trouble. But, having a QR that is easy to use and actually works seems like a reasonable concept, to me. It is called safety gear, after all.

Open discussion is cool, especially on KF where some of the manufacturers actually listen. This especially includes Dimitri, as he and Chris seem to take many things proposed by riders to heart. These are just opinions, but I feel that trying to find a loop (half the time closed over, near "shut") or a little knob, on one side of a C-loop is hard when you are getting dragged at mach 2 (if you aren't, you probably don't need the QR anyway).

I know we have already had the "you don't need a QR, pull the C-loop out manually" discussion.
But, I wouldn't mind feeling mine (and Donna's and all my friends) QR's are easy to find and release if they to attempt to do so.
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