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Old 01-02-2008, 02:29 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

That was CBS sports I thought. I definitely steered clear of those yahoos.
I am sure you did a great job, despite them trying to get the danger sound bite for their broadcast.
Did you like my response when they asked for an interview?

It was a great day today, I thought. Not perfect at the beach, but I had actually had a blast out there. I was surprised you guys hopped off, it was just starting to fill in better.The first half sucked, but it got better, I thought.
Anyway, I use to ride that crap with a 2002 C kite, so it seemed epic, in comparison.

Backside was friggin' unreal. Solid 30 to 35. That was the most fun in high wind I have had in quite some time. I hit a personal best on speed, I think.
It was a blast zooming along in 6 inches of water in 35 knots. 4 hours or so of riding, hard to beat that.

Sorry about the bad call on the kite size Bryan.
It didn't look that windy!!
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