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Old 07-02-2005, 09:34 PM
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Default Re: long board with kite???

Originally Posted by biggins

I currently use a skimboard when the winds get light, but am thinking of getting a 9-10 foot long board for the REALLY light winds, and/or just to surf with. Anyone else doing this and what size board/wind range are you getting. Looking to use a 13m only from 14knots and down. Might be nice to use the kite to ride out and then park it overhead and surf in on small waves just using the power of the wave. I think with enough flotation to stand on and not sink that the long board must be the best light wind option. It's not as fast as a skim, but for just riding it could be fun???? Thanks,

I've tried a variety of different boards over the years trying to dial things in for lighter winds. We have light winds so often in SE Florida, it only makes sense. A key component of lighter wind kiteboarding is rider weight. If you don't weigh that much you have a distinct performance advantage. I'm about 195 lbs. so no light weight advantage for me.

Anyway, I picked up a 9 ft. tanker surfboard a few years ago for light wind kiteboarding. I put a full deck pad on it for traction. Kiteboarding with a long surfboard offers a whole different dynamic from other boards. Looking at it you would think water starting without footstraps would be hard. Actually it is fairly easy. The added flotation and wetted surface areas maximizes your ability to glide through wind lulls. I have found them harder to stay upwind with however when compared to directional kiteboards and skimboards. The ultimate low end could probably be achieved with a surfboard. Still, if it is super low there is a good chance you are traveling downwind.

A 13 m would be a good choice to experiment with. I have used 18 m down to 12 m with mine. A smaller, faster kite can offer some advantages. If you have more wind or lighter body weight you could go smaller with kite size perhaps around 8 to 9 m. There are lots of long boards out there, see if you could borrow or rent one and give it a whirl. If you like that alternative riding characterisitcs go out and buy one.
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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