Thread: Wind on Sunday
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Old 01-28-2008, 09:03 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

You'll drive yourself crazy Steve, trust me.
Do you worry about car driver's safety while driving to work or soldier's safety every day? Gotta draw the line somewhere.
If we post and guys blow it off, we did our best. I wouldn't literally worry (I take words literally, not as figures of speech).
I did worry a lot about safety for years and have seen at least ten ambulance rides and at least 40 "drive to hospital myself" scenarios.
I can't afford to worry anymore, it kills my stoke.

Acess is always first on my mind in all these scenarios.
If a guy getting hurt jeopardizes access, I am deeply concerned about rider behavior in that area.
If a guy getting whacked doesn't affect access, I don't care much if guys don't want to listen to advice.

There are a few spots where riders getting hurt could still get us kicked out. The SW (especially if in the road) is one of them.
EB is heavily insulated from such issues, as Jim Wilson has assured me.
So, walk through those mangroves guys, don't take 5 minutes to protect your kite and yourself.
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