Thread: 13 2008 Waroo
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Old 01-30-2008, 12:38 PM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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on Sunday the wind was pretty light when I rode the 13m..
Dan was out on his 16m waroo.. He was on his skywalker lightwind board.. i was on the skywalker 130x40.. i could keep w/ the wind but not go upwind well.. he was able to go upwind ..

i was going to switch to my lightwind 140X49 board when the wind died completely and we both put our kites down.

earlier i was riding the 13m when others were riding their 15 and 16m kites.. its got a lot of power for its size..

I also know you are looking to lose some weight.. i'd think that if I was in the 180lb range the 13m would completely replace my 16m waroo. As it stands at 200lbs I will need to keep my 16m in the car for those really light days.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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