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Old 03-13-2008, 02:32 PM
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Magnum T.I. Magnum T.I. is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Private Instigator, Treasure Island
Posts: 48

Actually I Didnt make fun of ANY hard work or friends. I even gave you some ideas.
I bagged on Bobby for sticking up for you at the wrong time.
As far as silly issues goes, I merely addressed a problem with a little humor. I have/will spare you of pointing out every "silly issue" I got you on and you confirmed. There's plenty.
Let's just call this water under the B-ridge, and call it even.

If I wasn't on your side then I would have taped it- and been sportin' some new neoprene, courtesy of Kent's offer for taping kooky behavior.(All Florida Contest thread). I wouldn't do that to a fellow kiter, period. I just shook my head and left...

I did goof on you,the "experts", and their new "system", because if they are not going to back up what they say, then its all just a big joke. High profile riders, shops, and schools have the burden in this situation, not safe kiters and hecklers like me. Just letting them know that we are willing to try their idea-IF THEY have the nuggets to back it up..I have SERIOUS doubts that sponsored riders, will ever lose their hook up because I know those friendships run deep and thats not likely to change, so therefore the "system" is not likely to work.
Hopefully 3 things happen from this thread:
1. The slider and kicker gets moved to the sandbar.
2. ALL Leaders think about the responsibility they carry to LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
3. Hot Doggers/Pros/Kooks realize that they are in the spotlight now more than ever- and will possibly be called out for riding too close to shore. It can be seriously funny, or just serious without the funny, but it's very easy to address publicly.
Kite safe
~In a battle of wits, common sense wins every time.