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Old 03-22-2008, 11:01 AM
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toby wilson toby wilson is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Palmetto, FL
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If you and Scott Wolfe got the green light and made enough effort to get Jim Wilson involved, then why didn't you just take the reins and run with it when you saw nothing happening? I admit, maybe I didn't push as hard as I could have a few months back to make things happen. But neither did you. We all need to stop pointing the finger and start looking in the mirror more.

So it's pretty clean cut Scott. You are either supporting these efforts or you aren't. You haven't even tried working with it and have gone as far as to say that you won't wear a tag. Like someone else posted, newbs usually look up to the more experienced guys and if there are some veteran riders that are unwilling to wear a small tag on their harness, then what do you think newbs are going to say? They aren't going to either. So yes, you are impeding the progress of people trying to implement the tag system Scott.

I know you are a positive person when you want to be. There is no productive reason not to support an effort to make things safer. If you have ideas as to other ways to make it safer to kite around here then the rest of us are all ears. I am open to suggestion and I think that *most* others are too. Maybe we should all just have that meeting that Alex suggested. No alcohol, no BS. Just riders getting together and sharing some ideas that we can build on. I think that Steve S. is organizing some meetings in the coming weeks. You should come, I think getting everyone together will keep all points of view visible and we can get to work on establishing some of the things that 'fell through the cracks' a few months ago, or something completely new that we can ALL agree on...and lets keep it positive!
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