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Old 06-30-2008, 11:54 AM
Tom Stock
Posts: n/a

Yeah seems a few of us are in agreement. A couple of more tips....

When changing directions, use the kite to lift you up from the water so you can see over the waves to spot your board. Don't look for the foot straps.. it may be upside down.

Count to a number on each leg of the search... this way you know how far you are going with each tack. For example, count to 10 on the first (half) leg then 20 for each (full) leg after that. This will ensure your board is between your tacks and that you aren't drifting off too far in one direction.

Do not make the legs too long or you will miss the board between them.

Keep your arm out front of your face just in case you drag INTO it without seeing it.

Using the above method you can even find your board a night ... or locate a shark which is also nice if you are one for adventure.
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