Thread: Free Stuff....
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Old 08-04-2008, 08:28 AM
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Kiteboarding Tampa Bay Kiteboarding Tampa Bay is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: St. Pete, Tampa Bay Area
Posts: 276

Wow, dangerous, huh? Thanks for the heads up dude!Maybe I will switch to the Levi's Harness (CL thru the belt) like I saw on East Beach last year. Thats a lot cheaper anyway...

I was thinking of using a double board leash too, one on each end of the board using braided Q-Line (that suff is strong!). I sewed 2 ankle straps together so it fits neatly around my neck, its totally stylin' bro!
Board shorts are dangerous too, might get tangled up on something- I'm switchin' to Speedos...We also have a new policy at KTB- Bring your own kite to the lesson. I am really, really tired of these newbs crashing up my gear and tangling my lines. I had to turn a guy down the other day that thought he would be flying my stuff- I said "Get your own stuff, newbie. You ain't touchin' my kite unless you plan on buyin' it first." The guy didn't even have a belt on and wanted to use one of MY harnesses- Geez.... These guys have some nerve, don't they?

(BTW, I'll let you know when my surefire breaks, 4 years and counting.)

Last edited by Kiteboarding Tampa Bay; 08-04-2008 at 08:31 AM. Reason: I just felt like it...
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