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Old 08-04-2008, 08:37 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

I remember 2 seasons ago EK (I was there then) sold out most of Best's clearance in about 3 weeks. It blew my mind how quickly we sold out.
We were calling Best every other day saying "send us all you got".
Daryl cleared that stuff pretty fast.

I think the explosion of the market and the numbers the following year dragged out how long the 07 kites were on sale. (More kites).
I am sorta just guessing, but seems logical.

I have no idea how much inventory Best has this year or how long stuff will take to get cleared out (?). I doubt anyone but Best knows.

I don't think I will get in trouble for saying the initial markup on the Best kites isn't nearly as much as on some other brands. So logically, expecting a time when they will get discounted up to 40% off (like a few other brands do) is just dreaming.
In other words, I wouldn't wait too long.
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