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Old 08-27-2008, 06:14 AM
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Originally Posted by BeefJerky View Post
I think the Kiteboarding Florida community. Got real lucky that Kevin came through this to live another day.

My problem,
Is the lack of leadership from the senior riders on the beach that day.
Someone should have made the call - no riding - period....

It's just a matter of time that it's going to happen again and again and again.
Until we have another death in South Florida...

Kevin is a nice guy. I know him.
But, Everyone in Fort Lauderdale knows that Kevin can be alittle reckless.
And from my observations. He has had past safety and rescue situations.
Neil knows this. Most of the guys know this....

The interview. WOW
What got me. Was the attitude Kevin had.
You would think he would be alittle humble from the experience. Not at all...

Kevin needs to admit. That he shouldn't have been kiting that day period..
But NO, He broadcast that he loves kiting, and will do it all over again next tropical storm!!!

Going forward...
It comes down to leadership and the need for it. On every kite beach.
I hope the guys on Fort Lauderdale come up with some guidelines soon...
The location is the focal point to our sport. Everyone is watching..


What up Chris? How you doin? Ok, with that said, your correct, and we all know that Neil does one hell of a job policing and making sure that kite beach is a safe and enjoyable place to kite. The problem is that its a public beach with that said Neil and other veterans can only give advice in saying its not safe don't go, I for one have asked Neil a couple times if its safe to go and he'll say yes or no, if its no I don't go, 2nd guessing him Is like calling yoda a dyslexic liar. It really comes down to ego, the guys that were out there that day were super experienced, does that condone going out no, but others see it and ego gets in the way and then its the old saying if they can I can. Basically, you have to use common sense, is this weather too much for me, and i for one would much rather wait for a 25-30 knot day in marco then waste my time in squally, washer cycle waves. Too each there own. One more thang to add to this bitter diatribe, Kevin if your reading this man Im glad your ok, sorry if this stings but WTF bro? Interviewing that soon after, you couldn't have a super experienced rider go on to explain the saftey features or what exactlly happend, some of your answers were like a hamster in a wheel, they went nowhere, I love the part that said you would go out again in a tropical storm condition, thats great go ahead but if you do get hurt again and tiki beach has to suffer from your neglect, its on like donkey kong bud. I am glad your doing great and get well soon.

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