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Old 09-11-2008, 12:47 PM
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Just to piggy back on this topic we had a discussion about this at the skyway yesterday.

I understand Bryans point, and your point, but I can't feel bad everytime I have a hot meal and people are starving in 3rd world countries.

The fact is that thousands of people die everyday from starvation, AIDS, cancers of all sorts and lots of other bad things so if we are going to put things into prespective, lets not just think about the people affected by the storms, there is a much bigger picture out there.

I can certainly appreciate the intentions and certainly appreciate your positive spin Rigger!

Keep rockin while this wind is here guys!!!

Originally Posted by rigger View Post
I understand your point, but Hanna also dumped disparately needed rain a long the east coast of the US. Thats another Perspective. Horrible what happened in Haiti and especially Cuba, which will be knocked back decades after Ike. I mean, should we not be stoked about cold front moving through that sparked tornados through out the mid west, because it damaged and killed, which they do every year. I’m feeling Steve-o's stoke too. We all have good reason for it. We have had some epic riding conditions right in the middle of summer. I think Steve o said it best, when he said, " its a great time to be a water man in Florida." Saying that, I do feel for the people in Haiti and Cuba, Bahamas, and all the other small islands that have been devastated by these natural disasters.
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