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Old 01-07-2009, 10:08 AM
The Kite House The Kite House is offline
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Posts: 175

i so disagree with you.....cant even explain, but i repect others opions and all i ask is respect mine.

I have had 2 off the side conversaions with our city here , when they asked if i think it will happen here and they really dont want this kind of stuff giving them a problem. Others are hearing this stuff as well, was questioned about it in ecuador after it happened when i was there by there tourist council who is looking at prometing the sport. Trust me, news spins what they want, "i dont want to represent the sport" but i dont think kevin should either as stories have changed and they are looking for drama.

Steve, if it makes a problem at your beach because it gives them a leg to stand on, i will wait to see your email.

Egos aside, this is more about the sport, not about kevin.....he is just a pawn being used to get a good drama story and keep replaying it for the public to see, and no matter what you saw he screwed up.

enough energy on this for me, windy and other things in life that need to come first. I hope it all works out.

Watch who you elect to represent you....i see no certs, or organizations making coments on this, only a kiter who made a mistake.....why dont they interview iko or pasa or you steve?

No good drama news in it!
Aloha Paul Menta
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