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Old 06-25-2009, 08:57 AM
uchuche uchuche is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 37

Wow I feel safer already. Some people need to accept the fact that self policing has never worked and probably will never work, and come up with another solution.

You simply cannot be everywhere at once, and when our best kiters rip through the swim zones themselves, there is no example to follow.

As it stands now, the whole group is responsible for one person's actions.

If that's how you want it, then expect to get banned (again) in the near future when one person does something serious and gets someone hurt.

No amount of BBQs and beach cleanups is going to have an effect on that.

The fact that these "look what happened we need to self police" posts are so frequent supports my opinion that self policing is not working. In this case law enforcement made the guy finally listen... wow imagine that!!
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