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Old 06-29-2009, 08:49 PM
noel noel is offline
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Originally Posted by Steve-O View Post

I couldn't help but laugh as this is such a classic "grass is greener on the other side" isn't it.

Sorry to hear such BS going on at Whale Harbor. Sunset is kiting nirvana compared to least so it sounds.

Hey Steve,

Yes, Sunset is a slice of paradise. My grandmother lives in Tarpon Springs and I have been kiting Sunset for 8 yrs.. Love that place. I kited Howard Park once. Caught alot of shit back then from some off the windsurfers before going out but got mad props when I got in. Even the ranger was cool before he asked me to leave. You guys got your work cut out for you. Not much I can do except offer help if ever needed.

As for Whale Harbor. Every beach has its own problems. Most people will tell you though that even though it's not our beach per say, we (the locals) police Annes Beach pretty well. If we have a problem that we can't handle, there is always the local sheriff who is always willing to lend a hand to keep it safe. Not to say we don't have our own problems at times. We can't be there all the time but as I have been saying for years. Policeing is the only way.

Where I live for the summers in New Jersey. We have one of the strictest crews of kiters I have seen anywhere and still from time to time a problem arrises. 1 of the kiters works for the township and has made it easier. He is the kite nazi.
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