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Old 07-17-2009, 05:42 PM
conchxpress conchxpress is offline
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Location: South Tampa, Key West
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You go, Brad. Being a flats fisherman myself and a kiteboarder, I can attest that there is more "bottom time" fishing the flats. If one is in a flats boat, the guide is usually poling the flats and the pole comes into contact extensively with the bottom. Frequently, you get out of the boat and wade, stalking the fish across the flats. How many kiteboarders do you know that would prefer to walk than ride on the surface? When in a stationary position on the flats, although most don't use an anchor, the guide will dig the pole into the bottom and secure the boat to the pole. This can't be good for the bottom structure. I think it's a case of everyone wants the space to themselves. Many fisherman will get perturbed when even another flats boat shows up in their area. Selfishness sucks!
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