Thread: Le$$ons??
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Old 10-06-2009, 06:05 PM
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jetpack jetpack is offline
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Kite - $1200
Harness - $110
Board - $500

Proper Instruction - PRICELESS

Sure the instruction $$ stung a bit. While taking lessons it was immediate
seeing how the lack of instruction could lead to some very serious consequences.

I took SCUBA lessons in 97' - Roughly half the price. Probably the same
cost as KS instruction today for PADI certification.

In 2000 I was into Hang gliding. Foot and tow launch. Cost about $1200
to solo. Then I had to go buy my own gear. About $4000.

Wanna fly a plane? That will run you about $3,000 just to solo, $8,000 for
private pilot license. Rental cost and rental insurance will run about $120/hr.

I know of no other water activity in the same vein as Kitesurfing, that has
the cheapest per/hour costs anywhere! Not to spend the energy, time,
effort and money towards quality instruction says a lot about a persons
mindset when it comes to theirs & others safety.

The instructors that do this aren't retiring anytime soon, they aren't driving
around in porches and they certainly have full time jobs. The good ones do
this cause love it and they know how important it is.

Proper instruction is VERY important to peoples personal safety and for the
image of kitesurfing itself. Glenn I don't know you, but let's assume you
have a teenager wanting to try SCUBA, SAILING, HANG GLIDING, ROCK
CLIMBING or some other "extreme" sport.

Wouldn't you want them to get the best and safest instruction possible
regardless of the cost? We should want the same things for ourselves.
Considering the possible outcome without good instruction, it's too risky

No one would say that getting instruction is a garauntee for a complete safe
kiting career, but without it, someone stands a good chance of VERY serious
injury. These aren't kid kites. These are BIG ADULT kites that can hurt
if used improperly.

My brother-in-law now wants me to teach him just cause I can ride around
the water. I started in March. NO WAY. I gave him WSW number and told
him just cause I can ride a little doesn't mean I could teach.

Too much at stake not to pay up for quality lessons. Hell, if you do it for 10
years, the cost for lessons is about .12 cents a day.

Sorry for the long rant on this. It's the future daddy in me. Too much at
stake not to pay up for qaulity lessons. I figure


Last edited by jetpack; 10-11-2009 at 07:38 PM.
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