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Old 03-20-2010, 01:00 AM
miamikiteboarding miamikiteboarding is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Key Biscayne,Miami fl
Posts: 186

Well it feels like a cold shower , but let's face it: we all knew we were on thin edge at Hobie and it would happen soon or later .
However we are kinda lucky the ban didn't occurred bc of a tragic accident and no one get hurt, therefore there may be room for negotiation with authorities.

At least we don’t have the Media pressure against us all !

We are all pissed now, pointing at the "bad guys" but it's somewhat a "laisser-faire" from all of us =
Truly each time I pass by Hobie :
- I see the same faces teaching the same lessons, on the same shallow spot within 70ft from the shoreline.
- I see the same local riders launching between trees, cars and bystanders,.. and yes I do see many “locals throwing it within 100ft.

2 years ago, we had a Miami kite industry ( shops, instructors, schools) meeting about Hobie, where guidelines were set, but nothing changed or so little !
Why ? bc the ones that don’t follow these rules, do not follow meeting neither , nor they read the posts on the forums btw !

YES we understand nobody wants to be the “Sheriff” and appears like an Ass, but when the real sheriff ( the cops ) step in to do the job, this is the results we can expect : consequences are much more stiffer for the rest of us and it’s too late .

Sad as it is to loose an access from Hobie, I’m sure it’s going to have a reverse beneficial effect on the general Kiteboarding behavior in other spots:
Since now we all know HOW , WHY and WHEN a ban can occurred (and it really does )… I’m convinced the majority of mindful riders will be much more PRO-ACTIVE in protecting their spot vs foolish behavior from a few.

Yes it does take guts or commitment to stand for the good cause for a few minutes but it is not much compare to a definitive ban.
As a matter of fact , for a group of riders together, it will take only a few minutes to get rid of one trouble-maker for the sake of us.

Beside that, other factors may have increased this ban process at Hobie:

- Much more west winds this year so we all eager to ride in ANY conditions !

- Causeway vendors were re-located right on the spot, therefore, we can all understand they may worry a bit for their clients when 50 kiters are riding around

- Unconscious Instructors who take the freedom to teach there and obviously the student will likely come back on his own for "more practice" , which they do !

- increased volume of new kiters with poor safety awareness and poor-to-none safety procedures drills ( sadly the least of the concerns of many instructors)

- the "kiteboarding threat " is certainly the least desired of the PWD ( Public Work Dept of Miami Dade) in regards of the big $$ put in the renovation of the causeway.

- and the Sony Erickson coming up by next week with huge increased of traffic expected on the Csway, another risk the PWD won't take.

For being a Vendor on Rickenbaker during 7 years at the time of my Hobiecat concession, I can confirm Kiteboarding was never welcome there, and was only “tolerated by default” …until the signs come up.
It was just a matter of time I think.

But If Kiting has to get re-instated at Hobie, it will take much more than the good faith in riders “responsible behavior ” ! we all know this is unfortunately an unrealistic concept considering the volume of Kiters we talk about , and their diversity.

Better get ready to find a boat for next season .

Speaking of, I want to correct some rumors regarding Miamikiteboarding, as I realized some "said so” instructors were heavily using a name very similar to ours (certainly for the quality value behind it ) which have led to confusion:
Everybody in Miami knows we take our students and occasionally riders to offshore sandbars with our Taxiboats and always denied the teaching at Hobie. Period.

And considering the many days of west wind this season, we have bought a brand new boat recently and will be offering more taxiboat to stiltsville and West Point. So you know ! prices will vary from $20 to $50 according to distance.

Luckily west winds should subside as spring is on us.

DON'T FORGET : MIAMIKITEBOARDING MASTERS April 10th & 11th in Crandon North Beach.

...which is banned for our riders "a" and "b" of the Hobie Video by the way , i keep the names for me but they know !
MIAMIKITEBOARDING - Miami's First School

Christophe Ribot
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