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Old 03-21-2010, 05:35 PM
blinksster blinksster is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2
Default You should work for Fox News

Not just your video misinformed the audience, your opinion ions are baseless and to find a scapegoat like you have. It is not fair and balance.

You are a poor informer if you want to allocate the responsibility of this misfortune; you failed to do so with your dumb video and all the writing you did over it just to make sure your pointless point gets across.

No body seen anything wrong with the rider on the video but the cowardly way you put it out.

This closure requires all kiters to be united so we can address it accordantly; we need positive contributions to solve this matter together no just point fingers and orchestrated a witch hunt.

We need solutions so we can stop the closure, how? We got to be united and stop behaving like we are a bunch of disenfranchised citizens. Accountability is a good start

We should develop a credo for kiters, Post it, Followed it and Enforced it


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