Thread: HOWZAWIND???
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Old 04-20-2006, 01:26 PM
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Default Re: Where to kite

Originally Posted by Daudbhai
Hi Rick,

I'm headed down to the West Palm Beach/Delray Beach area end of next week. Just wondering what beaches I could kite at. I was down at Ft. Lauderdale last year and know the rules there. Does anyone know the rules for Palm Beach? What are the conditions like this time of year?


The cold fronts that bring the wind seem to be thining out as spring moves on. Although last week we had the best straight five days of stronger winds that I can remember for several years.

If something good comes through the wind could pick up a bit otherwise you might be looking for afternoon thermal winds in the 10 to 15 mph range. These don't happen everyday unfortunately. So, it may be on the lighter side but fingers crossed anyway.

Regarding Palm Beach, guys do ride there but launch and land to the north of the guarded beach. Make sure you stay beyond 300 ft. or more from the beach if you cross over the guarded sections.

Jupiter is just to the north and can have some great conditions if the wind is on. There is a kitebeach to the south of the inlet. Jeremy at Florida Kiting can fill you in on local precautions (avoid guarded areas and the fishing pier mainly).

Delray has a law on the books governing kiteboarding. You can't launch or land off of guarded beaches or come within 400 ft. of them from offshore. Most guys launch and land to the south of the main beach (about 200 yards south of Casurina St.).

Have a good trip!
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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