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Old 04-19-2012, 04:42 PM
robertovillate robertovillate is offline
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Location: St. Pete, Hatteras, MI
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I have been an instructor for over 8 years so maybe I am biased about this one...this is a perfect example of getting gratutious advice from a friendly kiter - but I would never encourage a beginner to do power strokes on the beach with a full sized kite, and recommend that even experienced riders avoid this practice.

Many kiters are helpful with giving tips, even eager to give you pointers - but the problem is that you will likely not get the whole "picture" and a full explanation of what you need to learn - for your own safety and (more importantly) for the safety of others...get some real lessons from an experienced pro. If not for your own benefit, than out of respect for other people and those concerned with maintaining access previleges.

The first thing you need to appreciate is that kitesurfing bans are on the rise and it should be considered your responsibility to act in such a way as not to contribute to the problem. I am sure there are still a few stubborn people who will say that you don't need lessons. Maybe 10 years ago you could say that because there were not many good instructors around - but now it's relatively easy to find a good instructor...and your felow kiters will appreciate your efforts to get proper lessons.

Aside from that your learning curve will be improved enormously by taking lessons with a well equipped and effective instructor.
Roberto Villate
4 Winds 7 Seas
PASA Level III Instructor
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