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Old 05-02-2012, 11:04 PM
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MSC13 MSC13 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 77

I'm not sure of the severity of the accidents but I arrived at the Skyway approximately 15 minutes after the incident occurred and saw no police or cars on the side of the highway. So while it was not a serious accident (fortunately) it was an accident regardless.

These things tend to take on a life of their own so in a few months this will have grown to become a 20 car pile up with wild Yetis eating the wounded.

From what I heard when I arrived the individual was a beginner and was not with an instructor or anyone for that matter. He was supposedly being pulled towards the bridge and ejected his kite. Anyway...this was what was relayed to me.

As far as the instructors at the Skyway I can say they all keep to one specific area...far up wind...and no where near the highway or bridge and always out of the main thorough fare of other kiters. They have always conducted safe training sessions and are hyper vigilant with their students. I'm not an instructor but I think the ones I am frequently exposed to do a good job of keeping their students safe.

I'm more concerned about the bone head kiters who don't bother to exercise kinesthetic awareness and show basic water etiquette. Instructors (in my opinion) should place HEAVY emphasis on general kiting etiquette with their students. Teaching them:

- not to shadow another kiter
- not to beach another kiter
- not to jump right in front of others
- look behind you before you transition
- understand right of way - (seriously pound this into their heads)
- give a wide berth to kiters launching and landing
- stay at least lines length from the beach when tacking
- don't do dumb ass tricks 5 feet from the shore line - one gives a shit if you can do a quadruple back flip phuck nut twist
- wrap your dumb ass lines up when you are not kiting
- and don't leave your kite gear all over the freaking launch area

I've only been kiting a little over a year so you can call me a beginner, intermediate or whatever...just don't call me inconsiderate.
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