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Old 05-03-2012, 06:56 AM
JoJo1117 JoJo1117 is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 8

"As far as the instructors at the Skyway I can say they all keep to one specific area...far up wind...and no where near the highway or bridge and always out of the main thorough fare of other kiters."

I totally disagree with this statement. Almost everytime I ride at Skyway, there's 1 - 3, lessons going on right in the middle of everyone. There's nothing more annoying than going to Skyway when the wind is cranking and seeing instructors and students standing literally right in the middle. It's one thing dealing with other kites on the water, but having to dodge instuctors and their students is just retarded. These people think they are paying for safe instructions, but this couldn't be further from the truth by just being at this location. It's only a matter of time....
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